Chapter 2: The Grief

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Fisrt of all I didn't know if I should continue this, because I had lot of going on in my personal life (I know you are not interested xD). Anyway, if anyone is still interested in this shitty story - enjoy.

Thinking, Sign language

Your POV:!!! That's only thing my mind can muster. My word is spinnig as I ask: "You...Blue Eyes you don't mean it right?" I start laughing and I continue: "You are just messing with me right?" But he says nothing. 

I feel tears in my eyes. Memories of Ash are coming back to me. How he taught mehow to clomb, how he always made fun of me because I was "slow poke". How he was always there for me...

The more I think about him, the more my breathing gets ragged and I feel myself suffocating. I hear voices but I don't understand any words they are saying.

Then, somebody hugs me really tightly and I feel soft fur all around me. "(Y/N) I'm sorry... I couldn't do anything." I hear Blue Eyes saying and his body starts to tremble just as mine. Olny then I sealise we are both crying over our friends death.

I realise that doing this isn't exactly the smartest thing to do, to be out here crying for almost no reason in front of everyone who don't know about my past with apes, but I don't care. The fact that  I lost someone so dear to me is much more paintful so I don't  care. 

I don't know how long we've hugged eatchother but when we part, there is bunch of soldiers looking at us. And their  looks are not exactlly friendly or aproving.

"Come on folks what are you starin' at? Give doll some space and privacy. Jeez people these days have no respect. Shoo away!" Josh has my back even when he doesn't know what's going on.

I put my forehead to Blue Eyes's as we part. Thank you, i needed that hug I sign with small sad smile on my face. Blue Eyes does the same Me to (Y/N)  I'm glad you're back with us. Then his eyes go to Josh's who is standing just behind us.

"Look (Y/N) I'm not going to ask because I think I get what's going on. Let me just say this. Don't rub it to Johansson's face to much. You know how excited he is becaise of all of this right?" he puts his hand up in giving up manner with foxy gring plastered on his face.

"Man, I'm hungry. When is dinner?" and with that he walks away.

I turn to Blue Eyes and I see him offering me his hand. Without any words I take it and we go to the gathering place to finally have some food and maybe to forget our paintful pasts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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