Chapter 1

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Kagome sat in her desk, and leaned her head into her palm, struggling to stay awake, as she waited for the final bell to ring. Her long, dark hair tickled her cheek where it fell over her shoulder, and her chestnut-colored eyes peeked up from under her lashes. She flicked her pencil back and forth in agitation, and she glanced at the clock. The teacher was late, as always. She let out a deep sigh, before turning her head and glancing to her left. In the seat beside her, sat her boyfriend, InuYasha. He was slouching in the chair, of course, looking bored and every bit like the teenage delinquent everyone thought he was. But Kagome couldn't have been more in love with him. He was a hanyou, a half demon, with long silver hair and amber eyes, and when he turned his warm gaze on her, she felt her breath catch.

They'd been going out for nearly three years, though no one could ever understand what she saw in him. Her friends thought he was emotionally abusive, and they constantly told her she'd be better off dating someone like Hojo, the high school superstar. He had excellent grades, a nice smile, and he was, sincerely, a very decent guy. He'd shown an interest in Kagome before, and she'd even gone out with him a few times. But as soon as Kagome met InuYasha, she knew she couldn't live without him, and she'd ended things with Hojo.

Her friends were appalled, her teachers thought InuYasha was a bad influence, and even her mother wasn't convinced. "He's just a phase," she said. But when Kagome made it clear that they were serious, her mother didn't have any other choice. She accepted him, a little reluctantly, but in time, she had come to like him, finding his blasé attitude endearing. "He's funny," she said. Except when he lost his temper, which happened often enough. Kagome rolled her eyes. Yeah, he could lose her temper, but so could she. She smiled, as she thought about all the mundane arguments they'd gotten into over the years, practically over nothing. Her mother said it was how she knew that they genuinely cared for each other. "If you don't ever want to kill him, you don't love him" she'd said.

Kagome turned to stare lovingly at her boyfriend. When he noticed, he turned those soft, golden, eyes on her and her heart jumped in her chest. He gave her a playful smirk, never one to openly display his affection to her in public. Which was alright because he made up for it in private. Her heart rate sped up thinking about how they had spent last night in his finished basement, cuddling under the blankets. InuYasha winked at her, and Kagome felt her cheeks heat up as she blushed. Even though, they had been together this long, he could still make her feel so nervous. He noticed her bashfulness and his smile grew. They were pulled from their sweet moment by the bell ringing and the teacher walking into the classroom. A few feet behind, a tall boy, with blue eyes and dark hair, walked into the classroom. You could tell he was a wolf demon, by his long tail, and fur pelt. "Class, we have a new student." Mr. Mushiro gestured to the boy. "This is Koga. He's a transfer student from Sakinota High, in the mountains. It's late in the year, so I expect you all to make yourself available if he needs help catching up."

"I'll be fine." The boy scoffed. Most of the wolf demons all went to Sakinota High, because it was closer to their site. Wolves lived close to the mountains. It was better for their energy levels, to have room to roam.

Mr. Mushiro continued, "Why don't you take that empty seat next to Kagome." He gestured for Koga to walk down the aisle, who moved quickly toward the empty seat. As he approached, he looked at Kagome and flashed a smile. "Hey." He whispered, so softly, that no one else heard him. Kagome nodded back.

"Kagome." She heard the teacher say. She looked up. "Would you mind showing Koga to his next class? I believe you both have history, with Mr. Takahashi."

"Sure." Kagome answered, nonchalantly. Beside her, InuYasha kept his eyes on Koga, who was sitting upright leaning with his elbows on the desk. To everyone else, InuYasha looked unconcerned. But his entire body tensed and his eyes caught Koga's every muscle tick, noting the way his body was angled toward Kagome, how he leaned more to the left, and how his head was inclined in her direction. What was more, his ears flicked towards them both, when Kagome flipped her hair over her shoulder and Koga's heart rate sped up. His claws dug into the desk, nearly splintering the wood, and he had to focus on keeping the growl from working its way up his throat.

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