"I-I'm not doing Blue."

There was a look of sheer disappointment on her face. "But why? I loved that one out of every one you've written!"

(Y/N) smiled playfully. "What, so all my other songs are shit?"

(F/N) looked at her with shock on her face, realizing what her statement could be implied as. "Oh my God, I'm sorry. I-"

"I'm giving you shit," (Y/N) erupted into laughter, her friend slowly following behind her. "I know my songs aren't the best."

"Your songs are all good," her friend reassured. "I have to get back to work (Y/N), I promise I'll be back here after the show."

"Alright, thank you (F/N), you're my Dwayne."

She laughed aloud, something loud and guttural that (Y/N) loved to hear from her. "Alright," she managed between breaths. "Adios."


She watched as her friend turned on her heel and walked back out of the room, leaving her by herself backstage - metaphorically that is. Turning her gaze, she watched as the band slammed their drinks down before grabbing their instruments and heading onstage. This'll be a long night, she thought, settling back into her corner and sighing, looking at her sheet and shaking.


2D's POV:

"When the hell is she getting onstage? It's been ages!" Murdoc yelled from the seat beside Russel. They had taken a table at the very front of the bar in order to get a better view of the stage.

"The curtain just opened, Murdoc, calm down," Russel said, turning to the bass player. "We have quite a while." He just grumbled, taking a swig of the beer he had ordered.

2D took a long look around. The bar looked like something straight out of a book. The oak floors made the space smell like polish, something that wasn't necessarily bad in his opinion. The tables were black and the chairs a deep red, almost purple to resemble black cherries. The only windows were next to the door because Cherry Stem was placed on a strip, so it was the only place for them. Therefore, the bar relied on the low wattage, yellow lightbulbs on the ceiling, casting a dim light on the scene below. Waitresses were streaming own the isles, asking for drinks and tips. Something just made him feel like home.

"Shot of whiskey," he requested as a waitress walked past. She did a double take before stopping and staring, recognizing him before answering. "Right away, sir." 2D watched as she tripped over her own two feet scrambling back to the tap.

"Looks like you gotta fanbase, Dee," Russel joked, slapping him in the arm playfully.

"Yeah sure, she only knows up because of the band."

"Keep tellin' yourself that, as it is you get the most attention out of everyone in the band, Noodle right behind you."

2D sighed, tapping his fingers to the beat of the music playing in the bar. Russel was right. Sure, it was fun being in a band but not when it comes to the point where your band leader will do literallyanything to get music. Even kidnap his bandmates. Of course, things were obviously better now that the band had finished their last album, Murdoc even seemed slightly less bitchy, which was surprising. Considering the situation in which the Plastic Beach album was made, this was a definite improvement.

The singer's thoughts were interrupted by the curtain opening, making a loud squeaking sound that was reverberated throughout Cherry Stem. The crowd went silent as a full band took the stage, all of them seeming on something as they fumbled with their instruments. Only the drummer seemed the most sober, seeing as his eyes weren't glossy and he wasn't shaking. With the four counts of his drumsticks, they announced themselves as "Rifles and Daisies", and began to play Paradise City, by Guns and Roses. 2D couldn't help but snicker at the coincidence of the name and the song. Although he quickly shut his mouth once the guitarist and bassist began to sing together. It reminded him of nails on a chalkboard, none of them on key or sounding relatively good.

Looking around, people began to boo, causing the bassist to get agitated and yell at the crowd. Major obscenities flew from his mouth and into the crowd before the sound team had a chance to turn off the mic and close the curtains. A few seconds later, the bar owner came from behind the curtain, a disappointed look on his face.         

"We apologize for the inconvenience, it looks like Rifles and Daisies might just have played their last show." He was interrupted by a huge racket backstage as a microphone stand fell. Running his fingers through his blonde hair, he continued: "Next, we have our good friend, Amanda, on the piano. Please welcome Amanda." With that, he disappeared and the curtains opened, revealing a small girl on stage, about Noodle's size with black hair and light blue eyes. She seemed nervous, her hands shaky as she fumbled with her music.

"Noodle just texted me," Russel told Murdoc and 2D. "She's second to last, so we have some time before she gets on stage."

Murdoc very audibly yawned from the other side of the drummer. "I've got some time to shag," he said as he got up to go sit at the bar. Turning his head, 2D could see him flirting with a bartender, the same one who had ordered his whiskey and never gave it to him.

2D sighed, it was going to be a long night.

Soft Spoken [2D x Reader Fanfiction] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now