Chapter 4

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____Any point 3rd_____

They landed just put side the wards and walked in.  Sarah was waiting for us.

"Would Master Harry like tea for him and guest" she asks

" Please call me Harry or Aiden , no master and yes please , also could you bring some of those teething snacks for Athena and alex" he says/asks

Sarah nods then pops away Aiden leads Narcissia to the sittting room. While she sits down he puts Athena and Alex in a Crib.

He sits down across from her

"So what would you like to know" he asks

"Well first of all who's kids" she asks

"Oh,  well mine" he answers

"We- huh "she asks

"Well they just kinda showed up on my aunt's doorstep a few months ago and since they look like me my aunt assumed I did something and that they were mine so yea, I kept them because why not" Aiden says

" so babies that look like you show up on your aunts doorstep she blames you gives them to you and you kept them" narcissia asks

"To put it short yea"

"Ok then "  she says and an owl flys in gives a letter to Aiden and leaves.

He looks at it and smiles but puts it down for later . Sarah pops with tea puts the tray down  gives the teething snacks to the babies and pops out.

Narcissia picks up a cup

"So tell me how have you been" she asks

That's how they spent almost all after noon talking over tea.

"Well would you look at the time if you excuse me I must be going goodbye aiden "she says

"Alright bye Narcissia" he says once she leaves he grabs the letter and start reading

Dear Harry,

Or should I say Aiden , yes I know luna was over visiting and she knows everything and told me after she questioned me on everything and all things.

Anyway I want to ask you if you would like to join me in a trip to gringotts for an inheritance test. I was going with gran but she said she was busy and I didnt want to go alone you dont have to come if you dont want but please consider it.

With love,

Aiden almost laughed out loud of course it would be luna to tell him.

___Aiden POV ______

I wrote back saying I'll come and to meet me at the leaky cauldron at 10 a.m.

Now to find a babysitter.

"Pearl" I call

" Yes mas- Aiden "

"Could you watch the twins tommorow i have business to attend and would have to lose them" i ask her

"Of course pearl will watch master aiden's kids tommorow" and she pops out before i can correct her.

I decide to take the little ones up to the spirit room*. So I did.

I picked them up and took them upstairs to the room put them in little walkers and took them into the room with them bounce-walking in front of me.

I look around the room
Wood floors ,big windows covered by see through green curtain ,portraits all over the room I go to the portraits the twins seemed happy with. Then behold I see that they think my parents arguing is funny.

I chuckled a bit and caught their attention

"Finally you stop arguing maybe now you can notice who's attention you have" I say to them they look at me then look around my mum was the the first to notice.

"Babies" she gasps and catches dads attention.

I look at them-the babies- and see them chewing on their fingers I take their fingers out of their mouths and put dummies in their mouths. They both bounce-walk off.

I turn towards the portraits of my parents.

"They yours" they ask

"Sorta " I answer


"Long story "I say

"well we arent going anywhere" dad answers so I conjure a chair sit and begin.

~time skip a while later~

"And now we are here"i finish and look at my parents their faces show a mixture of sadness, anger, happiness,  proudness,  and sorrow.

I look out side

"Well it's late I have to be up early tommorow so goodnight" I say and walk over to where the twins are sitting/sleeping in their walkers. I pick them up and go to their room.

I changed them put them in sleep cloths and put them in their crib.

I go to my room change and as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light.

*Room where spirits reside I portraits to watch their house and family grow up

Hey redoing chapters since I wrote this whole book in may at 2-4 in the morning on different days

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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