chapter 2: 2 weeks later

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I came home after a "date" with kubaki at the park

It was around nine and i saw my dad izuku on the sofa worried and my other dad shouto pacing back and fourth when he noticed me

"SHYLO! WHERE WERE YOU!?" he yelled i have never seen him angry before "s-shouto don't yell!" My other father protested

"Why!? He's been out to late!!" Some smoke started to appear

I stared at him ready to freeze something "GOD DAMMIT SHOUTO YOUR ACTING LIKE YOUR FATHER!!" That was the last straw for my father izuku

I was shocked i never heard him swear before, my dad,shouto looked equally as shocked but sad

" sorry.." I hugged him and he hugged me back "im sorry to shouto..." My other father said

We all hugged for about 5 minutes
When the knews came on.

"Breaking news!  The child of villain dabi and tomura shigaraki Shoya, has been found and dn tested!" I coverd my mouth in shock...

"It has been discovered...he is related to the child of pro hero's deku and shouto!" I felt sick to my stomach

My parents looked shocked, i got up "h-how..." My father izuku said

*time skip to 3 weeks later*

"Hey!" Kubaki said as i walked to school "...shylo...i saw the knews-" i cut him short "I KNOW IM RELATED TO A FUCKING VILLAIN OKAY!?" I ran past him

Shylo todoroki (Bnha2ndgen oc fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя