New home

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After five straight hours of shopping Narcissa declared we were done. Much to the guy and I's relief. During this time I had decided that Lucius and Narcissa were to long and promptly informed them both that they I was going to call them Aunt Cissa and Uncle Lucy from now on. Aunt Cissa looked overjoyed while Uncle Lucy looked like he had swallowed a sour lemon exceptionally when Neville followed my example and started calling him Uncle Lucy to. Maybe he got a hold of one of Dumbledore's foul lemon drops?

"Where are you to going to go?" Aunt Cissa asked slightly worried about us being on our own.

"I was thinking the Potter Manor" I answer thoughtfully. "We'll owl in a  couple days." I promise as I grab Neville's hand and think of my desire to go to my father's childhood home.

Neville and I land in front of a large mansion. (At the top) I look at it in slight awe it had nothing on Hogwarts but it was still expressive. Neville didn't look impressed at all I guess the Longbottom's estate was either very similar or grander.

A series of small pop was heard alerting us of another's presents. I look to the front of the mansion to see  5 house elves all jumping up and down looking like a child on a sugar high.

" Young mistress Potters you's be returning. Missy be thinking you's be staying away and not coming back. But here's you are much older than the baby you's were when you's had to leave to goes into hiding  and you's be  bringing a friend to's" the house elf was rambling. 

"Hello Missy i'm Harriet Rose Potter, and this is my son Neville Longbottom according to the ministry of magic". I greet the house elf pleasantly.

"You's be just like your mother, you's are". Missy informs him. "Hello young master Neville" Missy greets Neville.

Neville smiles and waves shyly at her. Missy grabs our hands and leads us to the other four house elves who were patiently waiting to greet us in a line. "This is Blinky he be's making the meals for the young master, and mistress " She introduced the house elf to the farthest right who was wearing a tiny Apron with the Potter crest on it. "This be Pinky she be's cleaning up after the young masters, and mistress, and be's in charged of masters health." Missy tells us speaking of a house elf wearing a maid's outfit with the biggest blue eyes I had even seen that made me want to coo. "This be Boobey he be's keeping the gardens and taking care of the owls and other animals on the grounds" Boobey looked to be the oldest of the five and was wearing overalls and was caring a pitch fork, but had a smile upon his face waving cheerfully at us "This is Bibsy she's be the young master Neville's personal house elf". Missy tells us Bibsy was adorable wearing a small dress and had her head up proudly. She had to be the youngest she looked to be a toddler about the same size as a puppy "And I be's Missy head house elf as well as Mistresses personal house elf."

I nod smiling "Missy can show me and Neville around the manor and Bibsy can you put our things up in our respective rooms?" 

"Yes, we's can be doing that" Missy nods enthusiastically and begins leading us on a tour of the manor. Potter manor turns out to have an entrance hall, a ballroom, three dining halls, a potions lab, a medical ward, a library almost two times as big as the one at Hogwarts, 16 bedrooms not counting the heir and lady chambers, a gallery room where all the past lords/ ladies of the Potter house held moving portraits sadly my parents weren't able to have one made before their demise, various bathrooms here and there, a kitchen, a game room filled with magical and muggle toys, and the house elves had there quarters in a separate house next to the manor that included 7 bedrooms,  kitchen, living room, and dining room. Not to mention all the animal houses or the green houses that brought tears of joy to Neville's eyes I would have to remember to put ground rules on that so Neville didn't spend all his time in there. Or the professional sized quidditch field.

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