Kill 3

141 4 0

The next day Awsten arrived at Geoff's home. He had the key, so he opened the door himself. It was 9 AM, Geoff was probably still asleep. Just like Awsten had planned.
Awsten loved Geoff so much. They'd been through so much and he considered him one of his closest friends. God, they toured around the world together. But he had to do this. He needed to finish this.

Awsten had reached Geoff and Chloe's bedroom. He knew Chloe and Rory were out of town for the day, so he could finish the job without having to think about them. Awsten placed his ear against the door. He heard the faint sound of Geoff's soft breathing. Awsten took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. He creeped inside and closed the door behind him. There he was. Laying there, sleeping peacefully. He had to do this. He couldn't go back now. Awsten slowly walked towards the bed. He smiled at the sight of Geoff. So vulnerable.

Awsten reached over Geoff to grab the other pillow. He held it with both his hands. Closed his eyes. Took one last deep breath. Then pressed the pillow on Geoff's face firmly. Geoff's eyes shot open in shock and fear. Geoff started screaming, but the shouts were muffled by the pillow. It hurt Awsten to see his friend like this, but he kept telling himself he had to do this and pressed even harder. Geoff kept struggling and kicking and afer a few minutes of this, Awsten decided this wasn't going fast enough. Awsten let go with one hand and punched Geoff in the stomach. Geoff gasped for air, which gave Awsten time to throw the pillow away. Awsten then qucikly grabbed Geoff's throat and started squeezing. Geoff started choking and looked Awsten in the eyes. Tears formed in his own as he slowly stuttered "Why? Please Aw-Awsten, pl-please don't do-o-". Geoff wasn't able to finish his sentence. Geoff exhaled his last small breath and then never breathed in again. Awsten saw the life fade from Geoff's eyes. His beautiful blue eyes. Awsten kept squeezing, even harder than before. Geoff's body had gone limp, but Awsten was still holding his throat. Then he realised. He killed his friend. His best friend. There was no way back. Tears now formed in Awstens eyes too. What had he done. He killed the person who had always been there for him, through thick and thin. 

Awsten let go and got up. He got up to get the pillow and put it back on its place. He closed Geoff's eyes and made the bed, so it looked like he had died in his sleep. 





If you still have to kill one,,
Kill Jawn --> Kill 1
Kill Travis --> Kill 2

Fuck, Marry, Kill - WaterparksWhere stories live. Discover now