Chapter 10 *Final Chapter*

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The Photo Boothe

Chapter 10

+=+=Niall’s P.O.V=+=+

Nothing’s gonna change my world.” I awoke to John Lennon singing peacefully, smirking at Louis’ choice of song for us to wake up to. I would’ve laughed, but I’m sure it would hurt after the amounts of tickling that occurred last night.

I turned towards Louis and saw that he had his eyes open, a smile on his face as he gazed at me. “What? Is there something on my face?” I questioned, wondering why he was just staring. “No... of course not. You just so beautiful.” Louis whispered, a smirk replacing his smile. “I have a surprise for you today.” Louis said, his gorgeous blue eyes looking into mine. I smiled “What is it?” I asked, excited. Knowing Lou it would probably be something sexual though. “I cant tell you.” Louis replied, a deviant smirk coming to his lips. I rolled my eyes “Do I at least get it soon?” I asked, pouting already. “Depends, what time is it?” He asked, looking at me with the same smirk. It was starting to get creepy.

I checked my phone. “It’s 12:00PM.” I said, a hopeful smile on my face that I would get my surprise soon.  “Hmmm. You can get it at about 6:00PM okay?” Louis said, making it sound like a question. Although I knew it wasn’t. There was no debating with Louis in these kind of situations.

“Okay.” I said with a pout. “Don’t worry, time flies fast when you’re having fun.” Louis said with a wink. I chuckled and rolled out of bed, getting to my feet and walking out of the room with Louis beside me.

We walked down the large staircase, towards the dining room. “You know what? I’m not in the mood to cook. Wanna go out to eat?” Louis asked lazily. “Yeah, sure.” I replied, running towards the coat closet and throwing on my blue Hollister jumper.

We walked down the cracked pavement, looking at every restaurant we crossed paths with. “Oh, that one!”  I cheered, pointing up at the large, white building. It had a big green sign that read ‘Britons’ on it. Below that, It had ‘Breakfast and lunch, 24/7’ painted in a light yellow color.

Louis shrugged, smiling at me. “Sure.” Was all he said before pulling me into the restaurant.  It was almost all white inside, with little bits of yellow also. There was the song ‘Rock N’ Roll Music’ blaring through the large speakers.

Soon enough, a peppy, tall brunette waitress walked up to us, smiling widely. “Hello boys! Let me show you to your seats!” She said, with a noticeable Australian accent. Wow! Zayn would like her! I should ask for her number… nah, that’d make Louis jealous.

As we sat down at the large booth we were brought to, I noticed her name tag. ‘Danni’ it read in big black letters. “So what can I do for you boys?” She questioned, still wearing the same, bright smile.

“Just some Orange juice for me.” Louis said, smiling back at her. I bet Louis would go for her if he was straight… well damn, I would go for her if I was straight! Zayn seriously needs to know about this girl.

“Um, same for me please.” I said with my crooked smile. Even after braces my teeth bugged me. She nodded sweetly, walking away to the kitchen.

“Shes nice! I think Zayn would like her!” I pointed out. Louis nodded, smiling. “Yeah, he would.”

A few minutes later she came back with our OJ, setting it down and smiling. “Now can I get you boys something to eat?” She questioned, slightly bobbing to the music.

“Yeah! I’ll have the French toast please!” I exclaimed, smiling widely. I’d been smiling so much today it was kind of hurting my cheeks. “Sure thing. And for you?” She questioned, grinning at Louis. “Just some pancakes please!” He replied, smiling cheekily at her. She nodded, disappearing into the large kitchen again.

Louis and I sat in silence, smirking slightly. “So do I get a hint to what my surprise is?” I questioned, smiling slightly.

“Nope.” Louis said, popping the P.

“Fine! But its… 2:00PM. So if you have anything else to do, do it! I want my surprise.” I whined, making Louis chuckle. “Always so impatient.” He nagged.

I would’ve said something back, but Danni appeared again, holding my French toast in one hand, and Louis pancakes in the other. (LOL! That sounded so sexual! Sorry, continue reading.)

“Here you boys go! If you need anything else, just ask me.” She said, scurrying off to another table.

After we ate, it was 3:45PM. We had to get Danni’s number and everything, so it had taken a while.

“So what do you wanna do now?” I questioned, exiting the restaurant. “I’m going to have to drop you off at home, and I’ll pick you up later. Alright?” Louis questioned, grinning at me. “Fine.” I whined, walking with Louis back to our flat.

It’s been 2 hours since Louis left. Making it 5:45PM. Where the hell was he?!

As if answering my prayers, Louis burst through the door, smiling like an idiot. “Ready to go?” He questioned. “Um… sure?” He didn’t tell me we were going anywhere!

I climbed up from the couch, smiling widely. He grabbed my hand, pulling me out the door and down the street. He pulled me into a large park, Mohagny Park to be exact. I had told Louis It was my favorite place in the city. He pulled me to the center of the park, smiling widely.

“Niall. You and I have been together through a lot… and that’s something special to me. Because most of my relationships have kind of been something reckless. Or something just for fun. And even though we do have fun, were something so much more serious than that. Niall, I am 100% in love with you. And well… what I’m trying to say is… will you marry me?” Louis questioned, dropping down on one knee and holding out a ring.

My heart stopped as I stared at the ring. It was a silver band, with small writing engraved in it. It read ‘LOVE’ in small cursive letters, making me smile. I felt a tear run down my cheek as I realized I had been silent for far too long.

“Of course I’ll marry you!” I exclaimed, jumping into Louis arms and kissing him.

“I love you.” I said between several kisses, making him smile. As I felt the smile I could look at for days on my lips, it finally sunk into me.

I want, no, need to spend the rest of my life with this boy.

And that’s just what I’m doing.

Well guys… this is it! The very last chapter of this book. I know the entire book was short, and this final chapter probably wasn’t what you guys expected or wanted, but I’m proud of this book. If it could get more reads then my first book, Lirry Stayne, that would be absolutely fucking insane. But maybe it wont… and that’s perfectly fine. Because Its not the reads that matter.

But who am I kidding? Lirry had 20,000 freaking reads! I cannot explain to you guys how proud I am of all of my books. Im so happy some of you guys liked this book, and everyone was very loyal to it.

I am gonna let you guys know though, I am not doing a second book, nor an epilogue. I kind of want this one to be a ‘think for yourself’ kind of thing. Cause im cool like that ;)

Well… I guess this is goodbye. If you liked this book, or just my writing in general I encourage you to read my book Wonderwall, it’s a Lirry book. Cause who doesn’t love Lirry?

A lot of people are saying Wonderwall is my best book, so I suggest you read it ;)

The song was Across The Universe by The Beatles because that’s what they woke up to, and I think its sort of a good goodbye song.

Well, I love you all, and I really hope you liked the book!


Twitter: @FinnsGirlfriend

And Wattpad is of course: Harrysgal123

Bye guys! I love you all! xoxo

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