Chapter 3 *Photo Boothes and Kissing*

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Chapter 3

Photo Boothes and Kisses

@@@ Nialls POV @@@

“Niall! Wake up you lazy ass!” Louis yelled in my room. I rolled out of bed and flipped him off. I wasn’t exactly the nicest person to wake up. “Niall, you do that one more time and you’ll be under water.” He threatened leaving the room. I rolled out of bed and got ready. I threw on the outfit Louis had chosen for me yesterday. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth nicely, knowing we had to look great for the photo we were going to give Zayn. I finished getting ready; hoping I looked good, not only too look my best for Zayn's birthday present, but also to impress Louis.

As I walked down the stairs, I saw Louis sitting at the dining table with a cup of tea and some bacon in front of him. He was already dressed in his stripes and chinos, with his hair perfected and his beautiful eyes shining. I got to the kitchen and put some bacon on a plate and tea in a mug and walked out to the dining room. “Hey there Nialler.”  Louis beamed, patting my back as I sat down “Hey Boobear.” I said back, taking a bite of my bacon. I ate my two stripes of bacon and finished my tea. “Are you ready to go Leprechaun?” Louis asked, standing by the door. “Mhm.” I hummed as I opened the door and walked out, Louis following close behind.

We decided once we got to the mall before getting our picture taken we would get some lunch, so we stopped by a pretzel shop inside the mall. We sat down in a private little room we found that had a couple of chairs and tables. It was completely empty and I was glad, I liked alone time with Louis. I sat down and took a bite of my pretzel. “Is it good?” Louis asked, looking at my pretzel, his mouth almost watering at the site. “Very!” I said, enjoying the salty taste. It really was delicious. As Louis finished the bite of pretzel he took, he began to speak. “You look really good in that Nialler.” Louis said with a wink. I blushed “You look really good too.” I said, trying my hardest to flirt. I wasn’t exactly the best flirt.

Louis smiled at me and took another bite of his pretzel. We got up from the chairs and threw our wrappers away. We had a little bit of a shopping spree and stopped by Hollister, Topman, and Jack Wills. We also looked at some other stores like Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, The Gift Shop, and Pokémon Palace, a place where you could buy all the Pokémon DS games and others for WII and stuff.  We grabbed a few things in there, and then decided it was time we took our pictures in The Photo Booth.

We walked to the other side of the mall and spotted the big Orange box where you could take photos. Louis squealed in joy as we ran over to the booth. Once we got there, we noticed that someone had spray painted a big E at the end of the word Booth. “Hmm... someone needs to learn how to spell.” I said jokingly. Louis chuckled. “Okay, let’s go inside the Photo Boothe Louis said stretching out the o, making it sound like how it was ‘spelled’. I laughed and climbed inside after Louis.

We chose what background we wanted, (We just chose a crimson background.) And chose to do a set of 12 photos. We scooted closer together do that the outside of our thighs were touching, and looked at the camera as the robotic women’s voice began to speak. 3..2..1.. START. The voice said as me and Louis began our poses. 1: we smiled brightly at the camera. 2: We gave thumbs up to the camera. 3: We looked at each other sticking out our tongues. 4:  Louis started to lean closer to me. 5: I started to lean closer to Louis. Wait.. Are we about to kiss? 5: I could feel Louis warm breathe on my lips as we both started to lean closer. 6: I lost control. I grabbed Louis cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss. 7: Louis wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. 8: I started to lean forward, making Louis back fall to the seat, I fell on top of him. 9: I licked Louis bottom lip asking for entrance. 10: He opened desperately, our tongues exploring every inch of my mouth. 11: We pulled away, sitting up. 12: We just sat there, looking at each other with huge eyes. Done.

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