"I thought you'd like it," he answers proudly, a pleased smirk appearing on his face.

"It's absolutely beautiful here," I agree softly. That is, if billion-freaking-year-old stars that I can glance up at the sky to see any night is beautiful.

"This is the cheesy part where I'm supposed to say 'Not as beautiful as you'."

"And then I giggle and blush and bite my lip," I counter with a flirty half-grin. Now this is the part of the date I was anticipating.

"And then I fake yawn and loop my around your shoulder." His,muscular arm slowly drapes around me and his thick fingers brush my neck.

"And then I tilt my head so it's facing you," I narrate. My blue eyes drill into his cheek as he gently does the same, so that our eyes connect, making sparks sizzle in my bloodstream and causing me to shiver. I memorize his face- those heart stopping green eyes, dashing smile, silky curls, delicious lips and smooth skin. It's nearly as perfect as mine.

"And now, no more talking," he whispers. His eyes flicker shut, as do mine, and my stomach plunges as his soft lips meet mine.

Our first kiss is warm, sweet, nothing extravagant, just nice, as a first kiss is supposed to be. He draws back cautiously and I smile breathlessly, my heart still pounding and my stomach doing a circus act. "I got you all flustered," he teases.

I gulp; realizing that my face is blotched with pink and flustered is exactly what he made me. The strangest thing is, I've rarely ever been flustered before, and certainly not because of a boy. "You did not," I argue, rolling my eyes. "I'm just so thrilled about almost witnessing a shooting star earlier."

"Admit it."

"Fine," I confess. "You got me flustered. But not as flustered as I made you." Flirting; this is my expertise.

A flush creeps onto his face and he shakes his head. "I don't get flustered," he disagrees smugly, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Right, except for when you're around me," I revise, trailing my fingers along his palm.

"Whatever makes you happy." He pivots his head so it's facing the sky again, signaling that I win.

"I knew it."


"I had a lovely time, Harry," I declare, quickly pecking him on the cheek. My heart rate has decelerated since our kiss, thankfully, but my face is still flushed.

"As did I."

"Tell Lewis and Niall and Zaynee and Liam I said hello?" I request, propping my elbow on the edge of his window.

His eyes shimmer in amusement and he raises his eyebrows. "You mean Louis and Zayn, right?"

For a moment I'm bewildered, then I realize I must have pronounced them wrong. I could have sworn that's what Hallie taught me though. "Oh, of course," I lie breezily. "Hallie kept calling them that and it must have gotten me confused."

Harry laughs, a charming smile spreading across his face. "I'll text you tomorrow," he promises.

"That sounds wonderful." I blow him a glossy kiss as his car roars away, accidentally blasting me with gasoline-scented fumes.

I flounce into the house, slamming our oak door firmly behind me and sighing with relief. Although it was thrilling to be on a date with an actual celebrity, my brain is barely functioning from boredom.

I pick up on thundering footsteps as Hallie darts downstairs, greeting me by curiously arching her eyebrow and crossing her arms in anticipation. I almost giggle at her pigtails, T-shirt, and fuzzy pajama shorts, which look like something a child would wear. Her expression is anxious and I hesitate before announcing, "I think he might be the one!"

I glimpse the tiniest blip in Hallie's expression before she flashes into a delighted smile, hugging me and bouncing up and down.

Stargazing may have been painfully dull, but overall the date was successful. Clearly, Harry's smitten with me and there's no doubt that within a matter of weeks, I'll be known as his new love interest. If things go the way I hope, he's the ticket to everything I could ever want: fame, wealth, and my very own handsome boyfriend. Oh, yes, Harry Styles is the one for me.


I know some of you are about to kill me, because you wanted Niall's plan. BUT THAT'S NEXT CHAPTER HONEYBOOS. Sorrrry :)

So if you're ready for the next chapter, COMMENT AND VOTE. A LOT. The more I get, the sooner I update <3

I love you all!


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