Chapter 11

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I'm sure you're all ready to read (sorry it's later than I said it would be, but I had school and Algebra 2 homework) but I'd just like to say: I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOU ALL. I got a comment today that said 'this is officially my favourite fanfic' and I could NOT stop smiling <3 your sweet comments mean the world to me! Anyone who can outdo that comment (which could be pretty hard) will get a dedication next chapter!

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my beaaautiful sister @abigailcoco because she convinced me to put this up on Wattpad in the first place and I absolutely love her! She's been a huge support for this story so THANK YOU AB! <3

Happy reading :)


Chapter 11 *Before*


Of all the dates I've been on, I've never once pictured myself stargazing. I never even imagined sprawling on a mossy hill, shivering at a bitter, nipping chill in the air, and staring up at the same sparkly old stars for hours. I'm more than elegant-dinner-and-dancing type.

But here I am, after being dragged out of the car, with my eyes locked on the endless night sky, pretending to have actual interest in this.

I would have refused immediately, insisted that he take me somewhere else, if Harry's face hadn't been so enthusiastic. I mean, the last thing I need is to make a bad impression. He's already seen my icy side, back at the bakery, and it was difficult enough to convince him to forgive me.

I'm literally counting the minutes until this is over and suppressing the urge to sprint away shrieking. There's a reason I hated the astronomy lessons in science. And I'll bet my gorgeous top will have disgusting grass stains all over it.

Harry seems to have no problem with the scenery. His captivating grin is wide as ever and his eyes glisten in the starlight. "You know, you should be honored that I actually made it this evening."

Oh, yes, the honor of being tortured by pure boredom on a grassy field in the middle of nowhere. I paste a false smile on my face and retort, "Oh, I should, should I?"

He nods fiercely, his eyes still fixed on the stars. "Oh, yes. This is the very first date I've been on since the end of the X-Factor."

"I feel so beloved," I say dryly. "I saw you got third place; congratulations." I'm starting to question my agreement to go on this date; after all, they didn't win the X-Factor. Are they even planning to make a name for themselves, to try and become famous? If not, I'm wasting my time in this freezing little field. "What're you going to do now?"

"Well, we've been discussing it, and our fans have just exploded; they're starting to spread across Europe, now. Who knows where they'll reach next? In any case, we'll release a single, and if that does well, an album. But I've got no clue what might happen."

One star in particular has caught my attention; it's blinking repeatedly and drifting across the sky. "Is that a shooting star?" I wonder excitedly, pointing it out. Silently, I wish to myself "Please let's speed this date up a bit. Or make it less tedious, if that's even possible."

Harry snickers. "That's an airplane."

"Oh," I reply tightly. I roll my eyes. I was only trying to have a bit of entertainment, after all.

"That's okay, love. It was close enough," he assures me, his fingers closing around mine. Our hands intertwine and I bite my lip to keep from smirking. My fingers tingle at the touch, sending warmth coursing through my veins.

"Mmm..." We lapse back into silence for so long that the crickets chirping is nearly going to kill me. "This is amazing," I murmur, attempting to sound relaxed when in reality, I'm fidgeting uncontrollably. Pure quiet irritates me so much.

I Doजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें