The Space Donut

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Stephen's POV:

My face felt like it would explode any minute. These pointy pieces of glass were impaling me and it hurt like hell. The guy in front of me wouldn't stop, we just kept on pinning me with these shards, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. 

But then out of the corner of my eye I could slightly make out a red figure. The figure then stood on in front of me and I could clearly see that it was Stark. I let out a big sigh of relief that he didn't leave me alone on this ship to get impaled by shards. 

He held his blasters up at the guy, "put him down squid ward, and I won't blast you too hard." 

The guy turned to face Tony with a smirk on his face. I was still trying not to shriek out again, but I felt one coming. I let out a small grunt, as another shard went through my skin. 

"Strange, you okay?" Tony asked, looking at me through his iron mask. 

"Do I look okay to you?!" I yelled in pain, I didn't want to yell at the guy who was about to save my life, but the pain was overtaking me. 

The guy began to walk forward leaving me behind. I thought that would let me go but the shards kept on coming. 

"Your powers are no where equal to mine."

"Yeah but the kid's seen more movie" and with that I felt myself being sucked to the side of the ship where I saw an an opening to space. Was Stark trying to kill me?! But before I could even be pulled out into the vast universe, something was clipped onto my robe. 

I looked up to see the kid, grasping onto me with some metal spider legs attached to the sides of the ship. He began to pull me up, then he threw me over to a stable platform. The cloak immediately pulled itself over my shoulders, and I struggled to get up. 

Tony flew over to where the hole was still sucking up everything along with that guy. He then sealed it up with some plaster coming from his suit. My face still felt it was on fire, I was sure there were still shards in my face. 

Suddenly I felt a hand grasp my arm. I looked up quickly and scared to see if there was anyone else going to impale me, but it was just Tony. He helped me up to my feet, keeping me steady when I was about to tip over again. 

"You good?" He asked slowly letting go of my arm, I nodded. 

"Well besides the fact that my face still feels like there are a bunch of pins and needles stuck in it, I'm holding up."

He smirked then walked up to the front of the ship. 

"You can thank me now I'm listening" Tony called from the other side where he was standing I rolled my eyes to the fact that one second ago he was caring, and now he was that cocky asshole again. It was like he was scared to be nice. 

"You almost killed me!" I tried to point out the obvious, if they pulled one wrong move then I would have ended up drifting off into space along with that alien guy. 

"Hey! Who just saved your magical ass?!" 

The only thing I could get from what he said was that he said I had a magical ass. 

I let out a sarcastic chuckle, then he shot me a look. 

"You don't just realize what you said, do you?" I smirked, he turned away blushing. I almost burst out laughing but I noticed that I was being unprofessional. 

I walked over to the front where Tony was standing. "We need to turn this ship around" I said to him, and he raised his arms in the air annoyed. 

"Yeah, and now he wants to run."

"We need to protect the time stone, it's our only chance against him!"

"And if that's our only chance against him, why don't we bring the fight to him!"

I sighed, then pinched the bridge of my nose. 

"Stark" I sighed looking up at him, he seemed to be pacing, and thinking. "Stark!"


"We can't just bring the stone right where he expects us to." I pointed out, he furrowed his eye-brows and I prepared myself for his blabber. 

"I'm sorry, but Thanos has been inside my head for six year! So I say, we bring the fight to him" he explained, "Doctor..."

I sighed knowing that I couldn't change his mind, and I knew Tony was good at planning things out. So if I was to go to Thanos I wouldn't necessarily be afraid. 

"Alright Stark, we bring the fight to him. But if it comes down to saving you, or the kid, I will not hesitate to let either of you die." 

He stared at me, his eyes were a deep brown, and I could tell he felt a bit hurt. But I couldn't because it was my job, I swore. 

"Okay... a-alright good" he said patting me on my chest, he then sighed and walked over to the other side of the room. 

I turned and went over to the kid. He wasn't even paying attention and was wandering around shooting webs, and trying to figure out all the features to his new suit. 

"Hey kid" I called, and he turned quickly to face me stoping what he was doing. "You should get some rest, it's going to be a pretty long ride, based on the fact that we are in the middle of nowhere."

He nodded, then looked around for a softer spot to lay down. I looked down at the sleeping boy in front of me, I was a monster if I let him die without hesitation. 

I sighed, then walked over to where pieces of metal formed a small bench for me to lay on. I sat there and crossed my legs so I could start my meditation. 

I left the world beyond me, and focused on my breaths. The slow rise and fall of my chest calmed me, plus the thoughts of how Tony would sweat in combat, and how his muscles would flex every time he would hit something. Wait what? What the fuck am I thinking?! I thought as I tried to clear my mind some more. 

But all I could think about was Tony, and the way he moved, and talked, and fought. I was clearly going crazy. 

Please tell me I'm going crazy.

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