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When you envision your own death, you would think it would be a peaceful experience; natural causes, dying in your sleep and so on. That's usually the case, but unfortunately that wasn't my fate. No, my death was rather brutal, gory even.

It was like a slow motion caption from a movie. I didn't see the car coming nor did they see me as I crossed the rainy streets of my little college town. It was nighttime and I was getting off of work, heading towards my dorm apartments. I shouldn't have been walking that late anyway, but it was only a few blocks from my apartment. But I guess it couldn't be helped, accidents happened all the time and sadly I was the cause of the accident.

"Is that what you think life is? Accidents? Even you know better than that, child."

What? Where am I? What's this voice in my head?

I looked over my surrounding to only see white all around me, there was no other word to describe it other that a bright glowing white. I tried to move from where I was, but it seemed like I was isolated, completely immobile yet it felt like I was everywhere, yet nowhere. Was this my purgatory? Was this my punishment for being so-so on the concept of God and heaven or was this just the part where my last brain cells saw before my whole body began to shut down?

"Don't be so morbid, child. If I wanted you in heaven, you would've been there by now. I just took the liberty of viewing over your life is all. You're very creative, almost too creative, but I suppose that's my doing. After all, what's the point in creating humans if they don't have freewill over their imagination?"

Wait, so I'm not getting punished? And what do you mean reviewing my life? Are you God?

"I'm a lot of things, but to put it in simple terms : Yes, I am God."

Oh, so what's my judgement then if not heaven or hell?

"Straight to point, aren't you?" He chuckled at that. " To be quite frank, I'm at a standstill with you, child."

A standstill? What does that even mean?

"It means you aren't completely sure who you are and I cannot complete my judgement of you."

Who I am? I'm me.

"No, what you are is an unfulfilled creator and artist. You don't know who you are, let alone what you can be capable of, and I won't lie, I mostly looked in on you due to your great potential of neutralizing a broken soul that's been running a muck in one of my worlds."

Neutralizing? Why can't you just send a guardian angel or a cricket? I'm no good to anyone, except for pointing out to people what genre of books they're looking for.

"As pessimistic as you are, their is still hope for you. And as much as you're going to whine about it, you're still going to do it whether you like it or not.

What happened to free will huh? This is ridiculous. Fine, as I much as I'll hate it, I'll do it. Who's the soul I have to haunt in to 'enlightenment'?


I felt my whole soul freeze in that moment. Wait Alucard? The Alucard from Hellsing? I'm starting to think this is some bad fanfiction and isekai all rolled up into one, God.

  "Well, won't be just throwing you in the world of Hellsing like a fish out of water, you're going to to go into the form of the character you created." An image of my oc Elizabeth was shown to me, in all her glory. "The story you have created and imagined in your head has peaked an interest in me, and I'm willing to make it your new reality if you save Alucard's soul and discover who you really are."

  You mean I get to live out my story I made? And as an anime character that I designed?

  "Yes. I will make it happen, that is if your willing to do the job, child."

I was silently contemplating this offer. He never gave me an ultimatum nor did I want to find out what it was if I was given one. But still, I would get to live out an adventure I could only dream of. I would meet real vampires, meet and experience every character I made and meet the ones I could only wish I did create. And I would get to meet Alucard, the vampire I had always kept close to my heart.  I then looked at Elizabeth once more, her hair was wild and thick, her short black locks reflected every purple hue you could dream of, eyes that were wide yet sad and so blue, they reflected every color combination the night and morning sky could have. Why would I refuse this offer? It was amazing but I had to do it on  clear terms.

I haven't completed the story, I have an idea of what I want but it's too vague to tell now. But I'll let you 'co-write' the ending with me as long as you promise that everything I included in this world will happen.

  "Your making me negotiate with you?" He let out a rumbling laughter that made my soul vibrate at the sound. "I've never met a soul like you at all. Fine, I shall grant you what you wish as long as you keep your part of the promise."

  Then I see no reason to wait.

  "Very well. Elizabeth Abram Hellsing Pane, you shall be granted reincarnation and are charged with saving the soul of Alucard. Due to the nature of this case, you may start at any period of time in your story as you wish. Good luck."

I'll try my best.  And with that I was met with the formation of my new body and began to float in to a dreamless sleep.

Who would've thought my life would've ended with a new one? Certainly not me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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