chapter 7

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I was waiting in my room for mikey. I personally hoped that he would be back tonight. I got a phone call. Great.... sherry....

"Hello?" I asked even though I knew who it was.

"Luna?" Sherry asked.

"No it's spongebob. Of course it's me!"

"What's going on luna?"

"Nothing. I just have a freind coming SOOOOOOO..... Bye!"

"Lu-" I hung up. Sherry could get annoying. She CONSTANTLY talked about the Sims. Did I care about her SIM self getting married? No. I listened most of the time, but I was listening to depressing Christian music so my mood was low.

"Why am I listening to this?" I asked myself as I changed the song to light if Christmas. I started playing pokemon on my DS and pacing around the room while listening. This song always got me pumped for a pokemon battle for some reason.

"DIE ALREADY KOFFING!!!!!" I pushed the A button angrily and frantically.

"You really into video games." I heard a voice but ignored it. And suddenly, my last pokemon died.


"I feel you." The voice. I turned to see mikey.

"How long have you been there?" I asked suspiciously.

"The whole time!" He said cheerfully.

"You didn't bother to knock?" I tilted my head.

"You were busy playing your game." He pouted.

"Ok. I forgive you. But I barely know you so you frightened the socks off me." I loved being weird.

"Sorry. I'll go if you want."

"It's fine. Hey can I see you AFTER my parents go to sleep.... they should be asleep about..... one ISH? Maybe twelvish"

"See ya then!"

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