Minho originally didn't knew the female was a Specialist, but when he used his ability to be invisible to outsiders, he was momentarily shocked when she spotted him.

"Okay, good job. Go back to the house and don't let her see you anymore, let us handle her,"

Minho nodded, but responded with a yes once he remembered that Chan can only use telepathy, not see them from far away.

The man was gonna jump off the gate when Chan spoke to him once more, making Minho chuckle.

"Also, please refrain from thinking such lewd scenarios while I'm using telepathy on you. You are disgusting, Minho,"

As if to irritate the older man, Minho forced himself to think of more inappropriate thoughts, making Chan complain, "You are such a pig! Stop that! Ew! I'm gonna cut off the connection now!"

Hearing the small click on his head, Minho smile contentedly, filled with glee once the older man was out of his head. Entering into an alleyway, he made himself visible (as it was too risky to make himself visible out in the open), and exited the alleyway while pulling down his hood, revealing his appealing features.

So, the Life Manipulator is that girl...

That'll be interesting...


"Teacher, what are you gonna do tomorrow?"

"Well, it's a Saturday, so I'm just gonna lounge in my house and do some groceries. Why did you ask, dear?"

Ignoring the older female's question by the end of her statement, she asked once more, "How about the day after that? What are you going to do?"

"Well, I think I have some paperwork to do, so... yeah. Why did you ask?"

"Because the numbers say that you only have 22 hours to live..."


"Breaking News, a woman in her 30's has been killed in her own house, the victim identified to be a teacher at a local elementary school. The suspects are yet to be discovered,"

Ever since then, the kids at my school thought that I was the one who killed the teacher. After that, I was know entitled a killer by the whole school.

I shouldn't have said those out loud...


Screams erupted within the grounds, glee filled shouts of students who are equally tired with school. Today is a Friday, meaning we will at least have two days off from schoolwork.

I exited the school premises, thankful that the long-dreaded hours of school is finally over, well, temporarily.

A quiet walk with my earphone on my ear, blasting random music I happened to like, I paused in the middle of the sidewalk, suddenly feeling something or rather, someone looking at me. Looking above, I did saw someone looking at me, looking right through my eyes and on my soul. On the seventh floor of Seoul's General Hospital (made that up), on the window, a woman dressed in a long hospital gown peered down on me, an empty expression on her face, almost looking dead. I squinted, the sunlight making it hard to see her, but once I did, I walked away, bothered at the woman.

She looked around my age but something did bother me, her countdown is having a glitch from 00:05 to 00:06 but it was constantly blinking, as if its time and her life was struggling to move forward, but it wasn't just her countdown, it was also her face. Her face unnerved me to no end.

Such a scary look...

After another long walk, and trying to forget the woman, I finally reached my neighborhood, turning right, I heard, "No! Mochi! Open your eyes!"

The distressed call of a person made me look at the source of the noise, seeing a little girl crying her eyes out on their house lawn because of something in front of her, but I could not see it properly as her back was facing me and her petite figure blocking my view from seeing what was her commotion all about.

I stopped in my tracks, having a small internal debate on my head on whether or not to help her. My subconscious getting the best of me, I hesitantly entered the lawn, walking over to see what she was crying about.

Seeing my shadow looming over her, she looked up, meeting my eyes with her teary ones, sniffling and attempting to wipe her tears, I asked, "What's wrong?"

Sniffling, and with a shaky breath, she responded, "My puppy, Mochi suddenly won't open his eyes, something's wrong!"

I kneeled beside her, looking at the dog lying on its stomach, breathing in fast and short, it doesn't need an expert's help to know that the dog is dying. Glancing at the dog's side, I saw its countdown, fifteen seconds...

I sighed, softly putting a hand on the kid's shoulder, "It's going to go on another place..."

"W-where is he going? Is he going to the place where angels go?" She asked, finally calming down.


"Yes, I'm sorry," I said, and the girl caressed the dying dog's side, a solemn look on its face.

"Do you want to pet him, miss?" She asked, making me look at the dog.

But, unintentionally, my thumb grazed the countdown, which says 00:07, but instead of my hand going past them, like how it did when I attempted to touch a person's countdown, something happened to the dog, making my eyes widen.

The dog's breathing suddenly became steady and it started rising to its feet, shaking its body to remove invisible particles on it, the dog seemingly more livelier than ever.

"Mochi! You're okay!" The little girl exclaimed, in which the dog responded with a happy bark, and lunged at its owner, licking her cheeks, making me look at it incredulously.


Looking at the happy duo, I saw the dog's countdown, shocked.


I looked at my hand, realizing that the time changed when I touched the dog's countdown.

52 560 hours and seven seconds... How...



Chan is such a boyfriend material help-

Well, sorry if the chapter seems crappy, I kinda had to rush it. Hope you liked it, please don't forget to vote!

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