Drum Sticks

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"That was badass." I believe that's Mick Mars talking to me coming off the stage to shake my hand, with the rest following.

"Yeah, she's feisty." Sure am cuzzo.

"And short haha." Great Cody's drunk and being emberrassing.

"Pretty hot too." You are too Vince bit I can tell youre a man whore.

Here comes the drummer pushing his way through the guys "I think I'm in love." Highly doubt it, but youre cute Tommy.

"Whacha say we liven up this place, short stuff?" I couldn't agree more Nikki.

So we're all drinking, laughing, dancing and having a great time for a while until Cody's light weight drunk ass passes out.

"Hey cuz, your boyfriend is passed out we should get him home." I'm now walkong over with Eric to put one of Cody's arms over my shoulder to help him walk out.

The guys are waving bye to us. "Hey beautiful, wait a sec." Oh god Tommy's coming over.

He asks me to write my number on his hand so I do quickly, not like hes really gonna call anyway. I'm young but I'm not stupid.

"I'll call ya soon." With a wink. Yeah sure ya will Tommy.

Eric and I somehow successfully got Cody in this cab. He's now got his head slumped on Eric's shoulder.

"So, ya gave that drummer your number, when you two gonna slap belly." Oh my god Eric. Jeez I guess being gay doesnt affect guys being perverts.

"Dude I barely know the guy. I gave it to him because he's never gonna call and besides its probably already wore off his hand anyway." Duh Eric.

"Well girl, if I didn't love Cody so much I'd hit that. He is too fine." Got that right cuzzo.

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