Landing Gigs

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Y'all guessed it. I'm officially a Motley Crue member. Although I don't sing on every track. But I'm just as kick ass as the rest of them. We haven't scored a deal with a record company yet. But we're landing plenty of gigs.  Of course Cody and Eric support me 100%. These guys are my 4 idiots. I'm especially getting close with Tommy. We haven't made moves on eachother yet. But some serious flirting and we hold hands occasionally.

And here we are chilling around the table, drinking and smoking. We just finished another gig.

"Hey guys, just saw your performance I'm Tom and I work for elecktric records, would you guys like to si- woah!" Oh shit the groupie must me under the tavle again.

"Not for you?" She asked popping her head out.

"Uh no." He says and sits back down.

That bitch better not be sucking on Tommy....

"What I was saying, would you all lkke a record deal?" Duuuuhhh.

I grab Tommy by thr hair and bang his head off the table in a "yes" manner, and everyone laughs, even Tommy. We could fuck around like that.

"Does that answer your question?" Vinny says.

~time skip to the apartment~

"Hey toots, can I come in?" Mick asks.

"Yeah, sure whats up Mars?" I asked.

"I just wanted to say thanks for helping this band. You and I are the backbone (although sometimes you're just as wild as the boys). But if it wasnt for you I dont think we'd have made it kiddo." He said.

"Got that roght Mick, shes too gorgeous NOT to notice." Tommy chimed barging in.

My face turned red.

"For Christ sake you 2 just fuck and get it over with!" Nikki calls from the hall.

Of course I cant help myself I gotta fuck woth Nikki now.

"Awh whats the matter Sixx, mad cuz you ain't hitting this either?" I say as I smack my own ass and lick his cheek playfully.

"Fuuuuck youre always bustin my balls girl." He says walking away.

Mick had left too on that note. It was just me and Tommy in the room now. He shuts the door. We do this religiously. Its really the only time we get to knkw eachother one on one. We talk every night.

"All that playing bullshit aside. I'm proud of all of us, especially you. We fuckin did it babe!" He calls me that ever once in a while.

"Me too, but y'all were on your way before I came along." I reply.

"I'm glad you did. I'm fucking dreadful you were in that bar that night we met." He says.

"Me too who wouldve thought I'd end up getting a drummers number, wotnessing the fame take off first hand, let alone ending up in a fucking band full of hot guys, especially the drummer." I reply.

"And who wouldve thought the woman of my dreams would accept my number and be sitting right here as my band mate." He's now got his hands on my hips, damn these butterflies. I can't take it anymore. Fuck it I'm going in.

And with that I crash my lips to his. He immediately kisses back adding tongue. Our tongues dance for dominance his wins until I bite his lowe lip, earning a groan from him. His hand is creeping up my shirt cupping my tits.

"Hey guys foods....hahah Holy shit I caught y'all in the act." Vinnie says bursting in.

Fuck way to ruin it thanks alot Vin.

"Goddamn it Vince!" I shout going to the bathroom to fix myself.

"Cockblocker." I heard Tommy whisper to him.

So hard to stay mad at these morons.

Rock n Roll & LipstickOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora