Chapter 1

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Posers, nobody in this loser city looks beyond themselves. Beyond the little facade, they cover their hideous faces with the foul stench that engrosses the air around us all. People, students, peers, friends, whatever you want to call them are obsessed, but with themselves, with doing what makes them look good to other people. It's toxic, the air, the water, the ground, the attitude, it's like a choking smog that grabs you deep in your throat and isn't satisfied until you're gasping, addicted to the feeling wanting more and more of it. I'm not like that, I am stronger than the rest of these pawns in the media's scheme of things. That doesn't mean I like being here, I still need to get out of here just as much as the next guy does. My skin crawls with even the slightest thought of conforming to these standards, of dress, speech, and thought. My toes curl at the realization that my friends, if you can call them that, are the leaders of this cell of an organization at our high school, right here in Carmel, Indiana. 

Sitting in front of me the group of adolescents I happen to spend time with are chatting about makeup, which I am okay with. I like how they are so obsessed with their mascara that they have not happened to notice my silence at all, even though I am sitting right in the crossfire of their words. Dehlia, literally the dumbest blonde in the whole school says something about an eye shadow palate I happen to own.

"I have that one, the formula is perfect and the colors are super pigmented," I chime in. A chorus of agreement rings out from the girls. Dehlia goes on about the $56 palate and whether or not she should buy it, so I tune out and observe the area around me.

It's the first day of school but I still see people doing some summer work last minute, probably freshmen, I am a sophomore so I already know the drill. I can tell the cliques apart from each other, obviously we have a group of "jocks", you can distinguish them from regular boys because they feel the need to stand in a group in the middle of the room jumping and yelling at each other. I find it quite comical, their stupidity that is. I'm embarrassed to admit that my boyfriend is probably the leader of that group, jumping around in the middle of the mosh pit trying to hype up his incompetent little buddies. I can hear him from here, "C'mon guys summer's over!" intense booing rises from the crowd. "It's football season now boys!" now an even more intense round of shouting comes fills the commons. People start cheering, including me.

"Isaac!" I call out towards his relative vicinity in the slight chance he might hear me, he doesn't even turn his head.

"Isaac!" I call him again as I walk a little closer to him. Smile on my face, he looks at me and lights up.

"Skyler, hey! I missed you girl," he says that as if he didn't pick me up this morning to take me to school in his brand new beamer. He picks me up and plants a kiss right on the lips. At this point everybody is looking at us and I just turn and wave, flaunting my captain of the football team boyfriend.

"How can you miss me when you saw me five minutes ago dummy?" 

"You know, I think that's the whole thing about love, you're always thinking about the one you're in love with and a minute without them kinda feels like 2 minutes. So what was five minutes for you, was more like ten minutes for me," he's funny because even then, ten minutes isn't too long.

"You're funny, but you're also implying that I don't love you, which I do,"

"Oh come on, you know what I mean," now he's whining and it's adorable.

The bell rings and now it's time for us to split up, I'm going to  Accelerated Chemistry and he is going to AP Physics. Just because he plays football doesn't mean he can't be smart. I am very proud of him despite popular belief. My whole mood changes when I am around him. Walking down the hall with him is lovely, until he reaches his classroom.

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