Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

Who were these men? Why had they attacked her family?

That anger became rage and that rage began to swim through her veins.

Maggie felt the overwhelming urge to kill. She had never had that feeling until she had woken up a week ago after being very ill. Her mommy had told her that she was now a werewolf and would have to work hard to control her anger.

Maggie tried to breath, she wanted to be good for her new family, she didn’t want to be sent away from them. She closed her eyes and pictured the pretty place that her mommy had told her to always picture when she began to feel to angry.

It was fully of daisy’s and long grasses blowing gently in a warm summer breeze. Fat bumble bees flew lazily in the air and the sun shone warm on her face. Maggie breathed deep, feeling herself calming slightly and then she heard a loud cry of pain and looked out the window to see Farrah falling back and then jumping back into battle with the two wolves, with only three legs that seemed to be working.

It was more than Maggie could take. She had to save her family.

Pain filled her body and she cried out as it seemed she was being ripped apart.

Something told her it was the wolf. It was the wolf inside of her coming free. She was shifting.

Maggie folded her arms tightly around her stomach as she fell to the floor and her entire body began to convulse on the rough wooden floorboards.


Brie was hurt but she wasn’t about to give up. She glanced at Farrah who had her hands, or rather her paws, full of two werewolves. Farrah’s front leg was obviously broken and Brie was bleeding and covered in bites but both women were still fighting for all they were worth.

Suddenly the lead wolf, still unshifted and watching the scene with a smile, whistled loudly and the four wolves backed away from Brie and Farrah.

Brie was happy to see that she and the cat had inflicted just as much damage on the men as the men had on them.

One of the wolves Farrah had been fighting with had already lost a good chunk of his front shoulder and leg thanks to Brie’s shot gun blast.

“What do we have here?” the lead wolf asked with amusement. Brie turned her head when the cabin door, which had been cracked, opened fully a black wolf pup stepped out.

The pups lips were pulled back in a snarl and blood lust was evident in her golden eyes.

Brie quickly ran to Maggie and tried to urge the pup back into the house but Maggie snapped at her, ran between her legs and became a growling ball of black fury as she crossed the yard faster than anyone could blink and leapt at the lead wolf’s face.

He was too surprised by the attack to prepare for it and he screamed in pain as her razor sharp teeth sliced open his face and scalp. Brie watched in horror as Maggie’s mouth went to the wolf’s neck and he barely managed to shove her off of him in time to save himself from having his throat torn out.

Maggie’s tiny body was sent flying through the air and smacked sharply against an oak before falling onto the dirt in a heap.

Brie yipped and ran to her, reaching her just before the lead wolf. Brie placed her body between the wolf and her daughter and growled low in her throat.

Blood ran down the lead wolf’s face and coated his light hair. Brie took a step toward him, her growl intensifying and she was pleased to see him take a step back, the anger on his face, faltering momentarily as fear flashed through his eyes.

She was going to kill him for harming her daughter. No doubts. No fears that she wasn’t strong enough. This wolf was going to die and Brie was going to be the cause.

Brie lunged for him and he tripped as he jumped backward, landing on the ground roughly just before Brie came down on him.

She was aware of him shifting below her but she didn’t care. She bit, she clawed. Tearing with her teeth and her nails. Tasting blood, smelling it strong and cloying in her nostrils.

His struggles began to weaken then they stopped entirely and still she tore at his throat. It wasn’t until Farrah let out a loud, screaming cry to get her attention that Brie pulled away from the dead wolf.

There were still four wolves to worry about and now they were angry. Brie had just killed their leader.

The wolves closed in on Farrah and Brie and the two women prepared themselves to fight, though they were both heavily wounded and Brie was fatigued from her savage attack on the lead wolf.

She was scared now. What if they couldn’t do it. Then a familiar scent reached her nose, somehow overpowering the scent of blood that still seemed to be filling it.

“Good job, my Brie, though it might have been done with just slight overkill.” Brie turned her head to see Nickolai, Grange, Dawn, Brendon, Ella, Trig, Anika, Blain and three boys she did not know, step out of the forest.

“You can head back to the porch now, kitten.” Trig added, his blue eyes flashing with mischief as he stared hard at the four intruding wolves, who had all begun backing up and shivering terribly in their hindquarters. “The cavalry has arrived and we are not


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