chapter three | he's gone ★彡

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you told him that you were living alone so it was fine for him to stay as long as he likes until you can find proper help. you didn't tell him your whole backstory though. you just told him that you're parents travelled a lot and is never home.

your stomach growled and you checked the time. 7:59pm. "OH NO YOU'RE PROBABLY STARVING RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I AM. NOW THAT EVERYTHING IS SETTLED I SHOULD PROBABLY MAKE DINNER NOW." you exclaimed going to the kitchen area and started preparing the ramen recipe tsu-chan taught you.

after eating dinner, you prepared something for little suou to sleep on. your house originally had two bedrooms but since you've placed a lot of junk on the other bedroom making it some sort of storage place. it wasn't really ideal for a person to sleep on that room especially since it's full of dust and spider webs.

you let him sleep on a futon in your room because you didn't want him to sleep downstairs in the living room all by himself. at first he refused and told you that it was okay because he used to sleep in a cage so it was fine for him but of course you declined. your room wasn't really that big nor small, it has a small bed, two windows, a closet, and a study table.

after taking a shower, you gave him a spare toothbrush and both of you brushed your teeth. you gave him some of your old clothes and both of you went to bed. he fell asleep real quick. you flip to your side, seeing him sleeping peacefully. 'he must be really exauhsted huh.'

you turned and laid on your back. you sighed, 'wow today was sure hectic..' you said while closing your eyes. 'i hope nothing goes bad tomorrow..' you pray.

and not for so long, you also fell asleep.

— time skip

hearing an alarm, you slowly opened your eyes. out of instinct you reached for something on your night stand. not feeling anything, you instantly shot up.

"hOLY- WHERE'S MY PHONE??" you half shouted feeling your heart beat pace up. hearing the alarm that's coming from downstairs, you sighed in relief. "oh i just left it downstairs.." you looked at suou and he was still deep in his slumber. you got off your bed and patted his head. you quietly walked towards your bedroom door and slowly opened it not wanting suou to wake up.

you yawned while going down the stairs and entering the kitchen. 'there it is' you said getting your phone that was on top of the table. turning it on to stop the alarm.

"geez i never realized my alarm is that loud." you said, yawning again. you checked the time. 5:35am. you sat down and placed your head on top of the table.

"uhhghhhg it's so... early... zz zZ z" you said almost falling asleep again until someone tapped on your shoulder. "um nee-chan is it okay if i turn on the tv..?" suou asked, still half asleep you just gave him the thumbs up. "thanks."

you immediately shot up, "h-hey! why are you awake so early? good morning i guess?" you said while rubbing your eyes.

"y-you're alarm was really loud.." he said turning around. "oh sorry about that," you said getting up from the chair you were sitting on.

"what are you going to watch on the tv?" you questioned. "the news, wanna watch with me?" he asked. "sureeee"

both of you sat down on the couch. suou turned on the tv and switched the channels. the news channel finally showed up and it showed a reporter broadcasting an 'accident'.

it's a man probably in his late 30's drenched in blood. you cringed at the sight and looked at suou. his eyes were wide, "hey are you okay?? do you still wanna watch this-"

"he's gone." he blurted out. you looked at him confused. "what..?"

he turned his head to you. "h-he's gone!! he's dead!" he exclaimed. still confused, you looked back at the tv and observed the man's face. 'this person kinda does looks a lot like souo- waIT-' you snapped your head at him and you saw him crying. "s-souo! are yo-"

"(first name)-chan.. he's d-dead.. he's the only family i have left, s-should i be happy that he's f-finally dead? i-i should be happy that he's.. he's- but why am i feeling this.. this emotion.." he cried, more tears coming out of his eyes. you quickly embraced him.

"hey it's okay.. he's gone now yes? you're finally free!" you assured him. "b-but why am i sad? i hate him and there's no way i can forgive what he and my mother did to me..!" he told you, clutching your shirt.

"people tend to be sad whenever their fathers die.. so suou, i-it's okay to feel that way.." you said as you started patting his back. you thought for a while if you should really ask him if he wants to live with you since he basically has no home now. it made your brain explode thinking about stuff that might happened but you finally decided.

"..since both of your parents um passed, and you have no connections to other relatives. do you wanna live with me? i really don't wanna leave you out there knowing there's a lot of villains that might kill you." you said breaking the hug. he sniffed and wiped his tears. "really..?"

"yes! now stop crying and just watch some cartoons okay?" you said switching the tv to a cartoon channel. 'poor boy, he is probably overwhelmed by everything happening right now..'

"there, i'm going to make us breakfast okay?" he nodded and smiled at you. "thank you nee-chan!" you smiled back and checked the time. 6:34am. 'sHOOT I STILL NEED TO COOK AND IT TAKES 20 MINUTES FOR ME TO WALK FROM HOME TO SCHOOL' you dashed to the kitchen and started making breakfast.

after cooking, you checked the time.6:45am. 'okay i still have 15 minutes to take a bath and prepare.' you told yourself.

"suou! can you come here?" you called suou and not for long he was infront of you. "what is it (first name)-chan?" you motioned your hands to the food that was on top of the table. "can you duplicate this?" you asked him. "oh, yeah sure"

"alright! i'm going to take a shower so after you're done with doing that you can eat! i'm kinda running late for school" you explain while entering the bathroom. "okay!"

after doing everything, you were finally ready to leave. "just stay here okay? don't open the door i have keys." you told him and he nodded. "yes ma'am!"

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