chapter two | quirk ★彡

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"h-huh? w-where am i?" the boy said in a soft voice while opening his eyes. he sat and observed the place. you entered the living room seeing him awake, you decided to be a little mischievous and crept behind the couch he was on. "oh yeah, im at onee-chan's pla-"


"WAHHHHH!!!!!!" the little boy shrieked as he heard a voice behind him. you gave him a closed eye smile and stood up from your crouch position.

"feeling better?" you opened your eyes while sitting down beside him. he moved a bit and started observing his skin. 'woahh my bruises are gone, i don't feel any pain as i did these few weeks i was tortured' the boy thought as he stretched his feet and played with his hands.

"sOoooooo??" you anticipated for his response,

he turned his head and looked at you. his eyes were shining and his had his mouth open. "uuuwwwaaaAAAAAHH!!! NEE-CHAN HOW DI-"

"nee-chan?" you questioned.

he looked down, embarrassed. "i-is it okay if i call you that..?" he shyly asked and you couldn't help but laugh.

"of course you can!" you grinned at the little boy causing him to also smile. he went back to observing his body and the bruises that were once all over his body.

"your quirk is really amazing nee-chan... t-thank you..!!!!"

he got off the couch and slammed his head on the floor doing a 180 degree bow, causing you to jump back a little. "y-you saved my life.." he mumbled.

this shocked you 'wow this is my first time having someone bow at me like that'.

"h-hey now haha, um you're welcome! you can stop bowing now." you laughed nervously, as you try to pry him off the floor.

when he lifted his head up a mark can be seen in his forehead. well, what do you expect? this kid lowkey did a plus ultra smash on the floor using his head.

his eyes started to water and tears started rolling down his face. the little boy couldn't help but hug you. you hugged him back of course. "i don't know your name yet, or how you got your bruises.. or why you were running away."

he sniffed. ".. my name is s-..souo.. and um i can duplicate anything." he explained, looking around the room.

once his eyes saw a piece of candy bar on top of the drawers your axe was placed, he stopped hugging you and got off the couch. you confusedly watched him walking towards the drawers.

"it might take a while for me to do so... my um 'father' never lets me use my quirk ever since i refused somehing they asked me to do." he said getting the candy bar. you silently watched him do his thing.

a few minutes have passed and the two of you heard a 'pop!'.

he laughed a bit. "i don't know why it makes that sounds whenever i duplicate something." he said while scratching the back of his head.

you were curious if he really did the duplicate the candy bar. he opened his hands and there were two candy bars on top of his palm. you're eyes sparkled in amazement.

"wOWWWWWWWW!! ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE NOT A MAGICIAN?? THATS SO FREAKIN COOL. IVE WATCHED SOME PEOPLE DO THOSE MAGIC TRICKS ON YOUTUBE!!" you shouted while he gave one if the candy bars to you. "here! now we have one for you and for me!" you mentally cried on how precious little suou was.

you took the candy bar still shocked. "w-wow.. is this really legit" you opened the candy bar and ate whatever what's inside of it.

'MMMMMMMM IT'S ACTUALLY EDIBLE WOAH.' you thought. while eating, an imaginary light bulb popped out of your head as little devil horn started coming out of your head. the little boy took notice of this. 'hmmnnnn if he can duplicate anything then.. he can also duplicate money! oH! he can also-'

"no nee-chan.. if i duplicate money then wouldn't that be considered as crime???" little suou said, 'w-what how did he even hear my thoughts? but i guess he's right..'

"awwwwwwwww" you sulked going back to eating the candy bar.

"anyways, my name is (last name) (first name). you already know what i can do and uh, i'm about to graduate middle school..?" you said, you were not fond of doing introductions.

"oh! and i'm about to turn 15 soon! i'm just saying but i'm not ready for highschool hah, to be honest i didn't think i'd get this far in life." you added.

"how about you suou? how old are you?" you asked him. "i'm only 9 years old.."

'wow he's pretty mature for a 9 year old damn, probably because of all the shit he's been through these past 9 years of his life.'

after a little bit if knowing each other, you've learnt that he was actually getting abused at home. his mother recently just died too. he told you that he didn't know if he should be happy or not about his mother dying considering that he was abused by her his whole life but she was still his mother. his father would lock him up in a small cage and almost never fed him. he was a late bloomer so he developed his quirk pretty late causing his parents to think that he's quirkless, but when he did and it was dupli, his parents were ecstatic because they can cheat life with his quirk. they tried using his quirk to solve their financial problems. although being the natural smart-ass he is, he refused and tried to reason with them. his parents were of course mad af about this and got more hostile towards him. when you bumped into him today, he was running away from his father that has finally lost it. he tried to kill suou and is probably hunting for him now.

you were basically crying an ocean right now. 'wow what shitty parents, do we even consider them as human beings.' you thought, feeling bad that you've also thought of using his quirk to duplicate money.

"i'm sorry to hear that! b-but you're father is probably searching for you right now!" you said a little bit worried that his father might come for you and probably kill you as well.

"may i ask the quirks of your parents?"

he thought for a while. "my dad is quirkless.. though from what i've learnt, i got my duplication quirk from his side.. and for my mom, she can grow any plant she wants.."

'pHewwww' you thought as you wiped some sweat that were formed on your forehead. you were relieved, you thought they have some sort of villain like quirks that could probably end someone's life in a snap of their fingers.

"how about you nee-chan? w-where are your parents?"

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