I'm a Cruel Hero

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A few days later

It has been a long few days, as I have been slowly raising my level, using the troops that I came with, and exp items, lots and lots of exp items...

Anyways, as I've been working on raising my level, I have been experimenting, as it is apparent that I can still gain exp as well as items when I defeat enemies, but it is still unknown if that applies to beings originally from this world, but at least we know that I can still access the gacha, shop, and receive items drops a long with the standard gold.

Its already impossible for Suzu to gain exp due to being level 100, but I made this one to be an all rounder build, and due to the fact it doesn't have a level cap, I can quickly overcome all others in this world if I raise my levels high enough...maybe I should try to max out each and every one of my individual racial and job levels?

I've already gained sorcerer, paladin, warrior, brawler, and assassin as the standard classes, plus a lot more from all of the NPCs, as well as undead, elder lich, arch angel, golem, demon, mimic, insectomorph, and true Dragon lord, as well as the various others...

I should use the clone function of the slime that allows joint experience, it will help if I can just level them all up separately while I work towards super tier magic and world level items

"Hey, Suzu, how are the defenses going? Was Mare able to do it on his own?" I was just lounging around as I abused the capabilities of a former GM in this new world, while Suzu was trying to use the mirror of remote viewing to explore the surrounding areas with the help of Serena

"I got it!" She shot up in excitement as Sera clapped slowly

"Congratulations my lady, but it appears that there is something interesting off in the distance" Serena pointed out a town that looked quite rampant with its population

"A festival?"

At this point I nearly got my other bodies to stop grinding, but I had them continue so that I could get close to level 50 after a few days of throwing high level boss monsters against them of every attribute I could, and watched the image

"Look again Momo," with Sera here, I could only refer yo Suzu by her nickname of her game avatar, but I could see what was actually happening, all of the villagers were being slaughtered by knights in armor

"Well...it would be a good chance to level up and gain some new attributes..." I tried to come up with a reason to go, as Suzu simply stared at Serena in a daze

"It will also be a good chance to experiment with the beings of this world." I could tell what Suzu wanted to say, but she needed a reason to give in order to help, so I gave her one that  everyone could accept

"I shall call Albedo, just to be safe..." that was Suzu's only reply to my own unspoken question, and I could tell she only decided to bring Albedo in order to protect me while I'm still under-level, and it showed that she wanted to help

"Alright, I'll go prepare my combat mode, it's best to look the part to fight this kind of battle~!"

I left for my room as everything was being prepared, and I decided to let Suzu choose her avatar version, albeit with a bit of modification to the original, but that's for later~

"Mako, I need an honest opinion, can you tell me which form best suits me?"

The spider warrior nodded to my request as she was panting at the thought...what did the others do to her?...

Anyways, I shuffled through a lot of different character models, and with a lot of decisions, and a large moaning spider, I decided on one

"It may be a bit unfitting for someone weak such as I, but a godly body suits me best I suppose..." it couldn't really be helped anymore, and decided to go for the badass form that I came up with, may as well be seen as an epic demon god if I could

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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