Chapter 39: Lives Lost

Start from the beginning

"What?" Hunter expressed that he hadn't been fully filled in on what happened.

We looked for Dante and while we did I told Hunter what was happening on the other side of the battle. He was really quiet for a moment as if having a hard time finding words. "You... you guys had a really good plan."


We had been looking for a while, but there's still no sign of Dante. There's only one more bar left in New York City.

I took a deep breathe before entering the very dark bar, only lit by a few lights at some of the booths. Sitting at the bar downing shots was a very drunk Dante. Hunter, Seth, and I approached with caution, who knows what a drunk Dante would do.

"Hey Dante." Hunter said.

Dante looked up at my brother, then back down to the glass of alcohol in his hand. He looked like he wasn't all there.

After a few minutes, Dante got himself together and finally spoke. "Marie, Can you forgive me?"


"Forgive me for the way I treated you. I wasn't myself." He explained.

It was as if I never met this person before. This new Dante is polite and well-spoken. He's the complete opposite of the Dante I have known since I walked into his house the first time. I finally saw the resemblance to Nicholas.

After coming back from my deep thought, I nodded to Dante that I could forgive him. His shoulders relaxed and his mouth curved into a smile. Oddly enough it wasn't a twisted smile but, more of a genuine smile that I had never seen before.

"So how about we all go back to my house." Hunter suggested.

Apparently Dante isn't the only one whose changed. My own brother who fought alongside with Dante is now showing a side I didn't know existed. Hunter was being kind.

I followed Hunter as he walked to his car with Seth and Dante not far behind. The dark night was silent besides a few cars and nocturnal animals. The only reason I like being in silence is so I can think, but at this time there's nothing I want to think about. I don't want to think about all the lives lost tonight. Instead I'll make small talk with my older brother.

"So, this nice guy act, is it going to last?" I asked.

"I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see." He responded with a side smile.

We finally arrived to my brothers house as the sun was rising upon the horizon. The house didn't look as homey as it had when I was last here, hoping to see Seth. The house felt empty as if something was missing or someone.

"Com'on." Seth said leading me into the house.

Inside, the house haunted me. The table where the father I never wanted to know, but ended up loving, sat there the first time I met him. I would have never thought he would have fought on my side.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one who was haunted by the memory of my fallen father because Hunter hadn't moved from the car. I don't blame him, I only knew my father for a short time. Hunter has known him his whole immortal and mortal life.

"Seth let's go back to your house." I told him.


"Cause Hunter can't deal with being here without his dad. Marie doesn't look too good either." Dante explained.

We all got back into the car and drove the long hours back to Seth's house in Oregon.

The huge gated house was no longer home to many evil vampires. There's no evil Dante or Jake. I never thought I would miss him but, I do. Jake and I used to be really close and now it's too late.

"Thanks for letting us stay with you." Dante politely said.

"Yeah, thank you Seth." Hunter agreed.

For the last couple months I've just been a normal teenage girl, just hanging out with the only family I have left; which is strangely enough Dante, Hunter and Seth. I've come to the conclusion that I can't let myself morn over everyone that died. They would have wanted me to move on, of course I will miss them every second, but my life will continue to move on from them.

The question now is what am I going to do now? Dante is now 'Let me hold the door open for you' Dante, not 'Let's take over the world' Datne. The evil world that Dante created is slowly transformed back into the world it was before. People are actually coming out of their homes now, the roads are black again! Vampires have been really quiet for some reason. Not that I'm complaining that they're not trying to bite someone's neck off, but I just don't know what to do now.

"Lost in thought?" Dante asked.

I had been staring out into the distance in the backyard for a long time just thinking.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked him letting him have a taste of what's going on in my mind.

"Well you're still human so, go to school?" He suggested.

"Go to school after all that's happened? I can't go back to an ordinary live after all this...all of this unordinaryness." I explained.

There was silence for a long time, us both looking for a solution to my never ending delema. Finally, Dante spoke. "Well there are still bad vampires out there, you could travel to places a lot of vampires inhabit and take them down. Also I'm not the only evil vampire out there. Vampires love trying to talk over the world."

Dante had a point but, that made me worried. If there are more evil vampires, could some of them be worse than Dante? I have a feeling that soon I'll want to be back here, worrying about what to do with my life was my biggest problems.

"Dante do you know vampires who are worse than you were, without humanity?" I asked.

"Yeah, there's a vampire who taught me everything I know. I'm only the surface of what he is."

*Ring Ring

"Speak of the devil. I need to take this." Dante said pulling out his phone and stepping further into the backyard.

Thinking about a vampire who not only taught Dante everything he knows, but only basics of his vampire way. I really hope this guy decides to lay low because I don't want the pleasure of meeting him. I thought Dante was as bad as it gets.

"So Lucifer is coming here tomorrow to see me." Dante announced coming back over to me.

"Wait! The evil vampire you were talking about earlier is coming here?! WHY?!"

"Apparently he went to my house, but I wasn't there, so he called and is coming here."

"Why not just tell him it's not a good time?"

"He would come anyway."

"Does he know you have your humanity?"

"No, he will kill me if he does. Lucifer thinks that vampires with humanity are just immortal humans and he kills them." Dante said seriously.

So if he comes not only will Dante's life be in danger, but so will Seth's and Hunter's. If this guy isn't fond of vampires with humanity he probably won't like slayers. It wouldn't surprise me if he was one of the vampires that make it their mission to kill any slayer in existence.

"So, what are we going to do?" I asked.

"Put on a show." Dante answered.

Dante explained to me that we would have to fool Lucifer. Dante, hunter, and Seth would have to pretend not to have any humanity. I was going to have to play prisoner. This is a life threatening performance, one mess up and we'll all be dead.

The following morning I gave Seth one last kiss before Dante put chains on my wrist and gently placed a piece of duct tape over my mouth. He locked me into the bedroom upstairs where I had been staying. Hunter was on watch outside incase I tried to escape.

My heart stopped when I heard a car door close and the front door open. Lucifer's here let the show begin.

End of Part 4!

Last part starts next chapter!

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