Chapter 32: Dreams Do Come True

Start from the beginning

The city is filled with lights and people as if there was a festival, I ran through the large crowd of people and down the street continually looking behind me every couple seconds hoping I lost him in the crowd. Then I looked back and ran into something causing me to fall back.

"Hello Lipgloss." Dante said before picking me up.

Next thing I know I'm tied up in a chair in some empty parking garage.

"Well Lipgloss, how do I possibly make you suffer enough before I kill you." Dante said walking out of the shadows. "Maybe I should turn you and then torture you forever, make you not longer immune to that blue potion? Yeah I think that's what I'll do." He said running at me fast.


My heart rate slowed as I woke up and noticed I'm still in the car with Colin and the vamps. It sped back up when I realized there's a pretty high chance that will come true.

"What'd you see?" Colin asked.

I was confused for a moment as to how he knew, but Dante used to tell them everything.

"Oh just Dante ruining my life, but what else is knew?" I explained.

"What are you going to do?" He asked.


"To change what you saw?" He explained.

"Oh, um... we just need to find a witch willing to help us before Dante shows up."

"Okay, well we're about ten minutes away from New Orleans." He explained.

My stomach got in knots as I continued thinking about what I saw in my dream. If Dante catches me it's not going to be good.

I was so deep into my thought I didn't even realize it was morning. It looks as if the sun just raised a few minutes ago. I glanced at the clock stereo and saw it was a quarter past seven.


I'm so hungry I haven't ate anything in the last 24 hours.

"We can stop and get you something to eat once we get there." Colin told me.


Normally I would say I'm fine, but if Dante is coming to fight then I need to have my strength back.

We arrived and got some quick breakfast before scoping it out. We walked around all afternoon, but every time we mentioned 'witches' they all looked at us as if we were crazy.

"Maybe they don't show themselves when there are all these tourists around." Suggested Colin.

"Yeah, maybe, but we're running out of time. Dante is going to show up when day turns to night." I told him.

If I don't find a witch by the time Dante gets here it's game over. There's no more hope of getting Seth back or on a higher note saving the world. Which reminds me New Orleans is the only city that isn't a human blood bath. There must be witches here! Why else would vampires stay away?

"We're going to continue looking why don't you go get something to eat." Colin said.

I nodded and went to this diner I saw earlier. I ate until I felt like my stomach was going to explode. Then a feeling came over my stomach as it got knotted. Dante's here. I quickly paid and ran out of there to go find Colin and the rest of the vamps.

"Lipgloss!" The voice yelled sending shivers up my back.

I started running through the crowd of people, only looking back to confirm that it was him I was running for.

Oh no!

I started looking back ever couple seconds just like my dream. I tried to stop, but I was no longer in control of my body. What the hell?!


I ran into Dante causing me to fall and hit my head on the concrete. Then everything went black.

I woke back up in the empty parking lot just like in my dream. I tried to break free, but it was useless. Then I remembered what happened to me, not having control over my body.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked knowing Dante isn't far away.

"You mean your vision and not having control over your body?" A voice asked.

I expected Dante, but it wasn't him. Stepping out of the darkness emerges none other than Marc.

"That was just a simple spell you say what I wanted you to see then were trapped in it. You are so predictable, all I had to do was give dante a chip to plant on you when you were fighting in the barn, then go convince your friends that you are crazy." He explained.

It was him! The whole reason Nicholas turned against me was because of him! I need to get out of here!

I started shaking the chair trying to break free, but it was useless. I eventually just gave up.

"Please continue, it's entertaining to watch you struggle Lipgloss." Dante said walking out of the shadows.

My heart immediately started pounding twice as fast once I saw him. This is it, my life is over!

"So do we turn her, she'll be under your control forever, if she's human you only have her for about 70 years."

"You're right I should just turn her." Dante nodded.

If I get turned into a vampire and on top of that be under Dante's control I'll stake myself! There's no way I could or would live like that.

"Which should come first turning or undoing the spell?" Dantes asked.

"How about neither?" Nicholas asked as he stepped out of the shadows.

Thank goodness, I can always count on Nicholas to be there when I need him.

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