Chapter 29: Old Friend

Start from the beginning

"Witches want the world to be good, well most witches." I described.

"You're right, but where are we going to find these witches?"

Up until today I totally forgot about it. The day Trollhella cam to take away my slayer powers, she left me something I should only use for emergencies. I'd say this is an emergency.

"I know how to find one witch."


"Give me your phone." I ordered.

Nicholas handed me his phone without question and I quickly dialed a phone number I was told to memorize that day. Then I waited for the person on the other end to answer.

"Hello." Someone finally said.



"Oh my goodness it's so bad."

"I know." She sighed.

"We need your help to stop him." I explained.

After talking to Trollhella about how fast the world has changed we decided on a location to meet.

"How'd you get her number?" Nicholas asked after I told him where we were going.

"When I was trapped i this small town ruled by vampires, Dante had Trollhella come down to see me. He wanted her to take away my slayer powers, we exchanged some handwritten notes. At the time I didn't notice, but she wrote a phone number down on the back with the sentence 'mem in case of emergency." I explained.

"Oh." He nodded.

We drove quietly for a few hours, left Missouri and entered Arkansas. Trollhella said she lived in Little Rock, which is easily two hours away. Nicholas has been strangely quiet, something's bothering him.

"You been awfully quiet, something bothering you?" I asked.

"I'm fine it's just... I thought i could save him, turn him into the brother he once was. He's not the same person he was when we were human. I'm so sorry it took me this long to realize it."

"You just try to see the best in everyone, it's not a bad thing."

It's hard to think of someone you thought you knew as being a completely different person. My brother, well not real brother Jake made me hurt like I imagine Nicholas is hurting now. It's not an easy thing to go through. You really question your judgement.

"I guess it's easier this way." Nicholas said not fully convincing me as he looked out the window.

"What do you mean?" I asked wondering if he was going to look at me or continue pouting while watching the road.

"Well, we're going to have to kill him. He's gone too far this time. It makes it easier to think about him dead because of everything he does." His voice was truthful, but sadness along with future regret were there, too.

"You know if you want to leave and not be apart of this anymore, I completely understand." I said secretly hoping he wouldn't accept my out, he's the only one I have left.

"No, I want to help. Whatever happens to Dante is his fault not mine." His sadness made me start to tear up, but I pushed the tears back.

We continued driving in silence until we finally came to Little Rock. I remember doing an assignment on this town when I was in middle school. It focused on Little Rock High School during the time it was first being segregated. It was the first essay I had ever wrote.

I was lost in my own mind until Nicholas' car came to a halt. We were stopped in front of a private drive gate surrounding a huge mansion, it some what reminded me of Seth's house. Thinking of him makes me sad and it's not as easy to fight the tears of a lost love.

"Hello?" Nicholas said into a microphone outside the gate with a keypad on it.

"Hello, who's there?" The voice said somewhat frightened.

"It's Nicholas and Marie."

The gate opened and Nicholas rolled up his window and continued to drive up the long driveway to this breathtaking house. It's brown trim really complemented the light brick colored home with it's old fashion barred windows.

"Marie!" A voice yelled as the front door swung open.

"Trollhella! It's nice to see you again." I said getting out of the car.

"Wish it wasn't because of the recent events happening to the world." She replied.


Trollhella then led us into her house, that's even more beautiful on the inside then the outl. It was really open, lots of love seats and couches, a long table, and a huge back marble kitchen.

"This is a safe house for witches, the only way in is through the gate and you have to be specifically invited in." Trollhella explained.

"That's really smart." Nicholas spoke.

"Us, witches tend to be. As we speak we have lots of witches making our way to us."

"That's good we're going to need all the help we can get. Dante is strong."

"I can tell." She said examining my marks and bruises.

My mouth still tasted like blood and my stomach ached. I just can't wait for dante to pay.

"There's one witch who should be here soon and I know for a fact you're not going to be happy to see."

At first Trollhella's statement didn't sink in, what witch wouldn't I want to see? There's only one witch I can't stand, but there's no way it could be him.

"No! It can't be him!"

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