Chapter 2

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You just made it to the bus, with seconds to spare. Your best friend had saved you a seat at the back of the bus, where you always sat. "hey Y/N you look very happy today, what's up?" they say laughing at the big grin on your face.
"You will never ever guess where I'm going!!!" I said excitedly. She already knew about the competition and about how much you adored the boys - you never stopped talking about them!
"Umm school?" She said sarcastically
"NOO LA DUMBASS" you scream excitedly!!! Y/B/F just looked at you with no expression on their face.
"Are. You. Being. Serious?!"She say getting louder and louder with each word. You just nod, trying to contain your excitement. You get out your phone and show them the message from 4music.
"Oh. My. Freaking. Lord! you are the luckiest girl I've ever met!!! If you get to take a person, will you take me, please please please?!!!! I'll buy you a brownie everyday till we leave school oh please Y/N"
You hadn't really thought about the extra person you could take. I had to take my mom because I was under 18, but the message said I could take a friend too... Now my bestfriend loved 5 seconds of summer, and I loved brownies, but I really didn't know what my mum would think of it. It was two days out of school for travelling and then the weekend with the boys. Surely I had to take my best friend! she was as nearly as obsessed as I was!
"I'll think about it!!" I said teasingly. I couldn't let her think I was going to take someone else, but then again, she was a lot prettier than I was, if I was going to win Ash's heart, I couldn't bring the competition, it was bad enough there being 60 other fans!
We finally pulled up at school and went ahead with our lessons. That day's lessons you and your bestfriend were together, so instead of paying attention, you planned your outfits, and how you would do your hair and makeup. Your hair wasn't as long as your best friends because 18 months before, you shaved it off for charity. You were always doing crazy things for charity - hair-shaving, skydiving, zip-lining down mountains at 80+ mph. You did crazy things all the time, and that never scared you, yet the thought of meeting the boys terrified you.
It was the end of the last lesson. Your mom was picking you up to go clothes shopping for LA. It was fall where you lived, so you were wearing thick sweaters, but LA was hot, you needed some hot shorts and a few new dresses to 'wow' the guys!
As you and your best friend left the class room, she turned and stopped you "Y/N I can see you don't want me to go, but I really want to go, I know how much you love them, especially ash, so why don't you let me be your 'wingman' I'll help you win him over, like you did for me with Fletcher last year. I won't try to steal any of your thunder, it will be your weekend, I just want to share the memories with you."
You thought really hard about this. You had helped her get with fletcher who was the schools 'hottie' and surely because she was in love with him she wouldn't even flirt with the guys?
"Sure I want you to come, it's just I don't know what my parents will say about asking if I can pull you out of school!" I said staring at the floor.
"My parents won't care, it's a trip to LA!" she smiled at me, with hope in her eyes.
"Fine, I'll ask my mom when I get home." I said finally giving in to her "puppy dog eyes"
She smiled at me, linked our arms, and we left school.

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