Chapter 1

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October 1st:

Yay, Wednesday... Your up at 640am to get ready for a long boring day in school.. You can hear your mom shouting at you to get up, yelling

at you because you are going to be late.

Sighing, you roll over and check your phone "you have received and personal message from @4music. Click here to open or view in app"

You couldn't believe it! The only reason that 4music could be 'DM-ing' you, is because you entered their competition to go to DerpCon!

You click to read the message and there it was, the message that allowed you to go and meet your idols, all expenses payed for!

You run down stair screaming "mom mom I did it!!! I won the competition! in meeting the boys in LA!" She knew who "the boys" were, and she knew what competition you were on about but she still teased you about it... "Oh y/n what boys are we on about? I sure hope it's west life, or boy zone" she said with a chuckle, these were her favourite bands. You just rolled your eyes and said, "you know who I mean mom, and you know what I'm on about!!! We need to pack!! We only have a month and 2 weeks before we leave!!!" You were very excited! You, Luke Hemmings and the rest of the boys in a room with only 60 other people for a day? Your biggest dream come true!

"Y/N its 7:40am if you are not ready for your bus I'm going to have to cancel the trip" your mom said. You knew she wouldn't ever, but you didn't want to take the risk. You ran upstairs, and got into your uniform for school. You didn't bother with makeup, you just shoved your foundation and mascara in your bag, tied your hair up into a messy bun, and left the house. "Bye mom, see you after school!"

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