Chapter 18: Vampira

Start from the beginning

The thunderous sound of footsteps made my heart skip a beat. He found me and i jumped down the two story building onto the muddy grass that was too mushy for comfort. My foot slid into the mud and I continued to run shoeless into the darkness. The stranger gaining on me.

He caught up and drove something into my back. I whimpered in pain. He then kneeled beside me positioning a stake just inches above my heart. He continued to bring it closer, inches away, centimeters, millimeters!


I huffed to catch my breath and searched my surroundings. Back in the house with Seth by my side. I nodded knowing what question came into Nicholas and Seth's mind. I got up and rinsed my face with water. Just a dream. I repeated to myself. Just a dream.

"Are you okay?" Seth asked.

"Fine." I replied.

I got dressed then left the house to go hunting. It's hard to find any kind of animals who have enough blood to keep us healthy. It took me two hours to get enough blood in my system.

When I returned it was to my surprise a vampire lay knocked senseless, surrounded by the other resident vampires.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He's a traitor, Marie." Seth answered.

"He told him, where you are." Nicholas added.

Oh my goodness. He told Dante. I fell in response to the surprise that filled me.

"We must go, leave here before he finds us. We have packed already. We must leave now." Seth said as he pulled me out of the door and into the car.

It was hard to take him seriously when he had that black wig on. Nicholas shot the car out of the driveway and threw the rich neighborhood.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I don't know, but away from here." Nicholas replied punching the gas.

We've been driving for six hours and I realized two things. First where could we go where vampires aren't? Every vampire in the world is looking for me. Second being in the car for six hours with no talking nor music is really boring. The whole car ride got me thinking; is this what I'm in for, a life full of running? I sure hope not.

I remember my mom used to always tell me 'the past is what sets everything in motion'. The more I think about this, the more it makes sense. If my parents had never left I wouldn't be in this mess, but I can't regret my decisions. The past is past and I am the only one who can set the future in motion; by deciding what happens in the present which turns into the past and the past sets everything in motion.

"Okay I think we should decide where we are going." I said not being able to take the silence any longer.

"Where do you think we should go?" Nicholas asked.

"I don't there a place most vampires steer clear from?"

"If it was a certain group of vampires we could narrow it down, but the whole vampire race is kinda hard." Seth explained.

We sat in silence thinking and I pondered based on the direction we were headed in, where we could go. Should we go into a private area or a very populated city? A populated city seems more unpredictable.

"How about Orlando?" I recommended.

"Sure, it's a very large city with lots of people. Sounds good." Nicholas praised.

"How much longer would that take from here?" Seth asked.

"Well we're in Phoenix, Arizona right now, so about 30 hours." Nicholas answered.

Great, 30 hours left of boredom. If it's going to be silent this whole trip, I'm going to need a stake.

It took about 28 hours to get to orlando because Nicholas is a crazy driver. We stopped at the first hotel we saw and got a room. Once we got unpacked we went to go get more familiar with the area. There were hardly no animals. Not any that I would want or be willing to sink my fangs into.

"You might need to just drink from a blood bag." Nicholas said.

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"I have blood that I've saved from previous kills, but not enough to feed us both."

Seth hooked me up with some blood bags, but only temporarily. Once we get back where there are better animals then I will switch back. We decided tomorrow we were going to go to the mall. I love going there apparently. My new identity is killing me. I fell asleep gradually, but when I did I was out like a light.

I stumbled into a strange place, so strange it was as if I were in an alternate reality. Humans had become slaves to the vampires. I was the only one who could free them. It was strange, it wasn't the whole world but only a small village 50 people max.

"You may try to stop us, but won't succeed. Especially without your slayer powers."

What? They can't take that away, but sure enough a witch came in and said something in latin. Then gave the leader of the group a syringe. He walked over and punchered my skin with the needle. Once the needle was in he started to take out some pink liquid from my veins.

I woke up to the sun, Nicholas and Seth in my face.

"What?" I asked them.

"You look terrified when you sleep." Seth laughed.

"It's because of the dreams. Um...Is there any way you could undo the spell that made me a slayer?" I asked.

"I'm sure there's a way somehow. Why?" Nicholas asked.

"Just something that happened in a dream. No big though." I assured.

I got dressed in high waisted shorts and a pink crop top. We left for the mall at 12. We went shopping together for about an hour and a half then went our separate ways. We were going to meet up at three but I got a phone call that changed everything.

*Ring *Ring

I glanced down at my smartphone to see an unknown number calling. Me being the smart person I am answered it.


"Hello marie." A voice all too familiar spoke.


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