Chapter 6

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So I couldn't post twice on saturdaty but I got it in today. i hpoe you like it.

Enjoy :)


Chapter 6


The sun was an hour from rising before I finally calmed down enough. I didn’t talk about my dream to James who held me the whole time. He didn’t even ask what it was about afterwards. The sun was high when he had to go as pack duties called. The time before that he had talked to me to distract me. It worked and I loved hearing his voice. He had told me about how he was Beta but he wasn’t originally. When I asked him about who was, he grew quiet and said that they were no longer with us. I frowned at that.

I still laid in the bed as it grew dark. I had missed dinner using the excuse that I couldn’t stomach any thing, which was true in a way. I was hungry for something different. I didn’t know what to do, I couldn’t keep starving myself. I needed to feed and I was becoming weaker. I stayed there thinking about what I was going to do. This wasn’t going to be easy.

I felt James’ presence in the house. I waited but he didn’t come up. I didn’t know what he was doing. I got up finally and went downstairs. I followed his scent and found him sitting it the living room by himself. He was looking at a piece of paper in his hands. I moved closer and saw it was a picture.

“James, is something wrong?” I asked concerned.

He looked up at me with sadness in his eyes then back at the photo. I walked over and sat next to him. I could see the picture now and saw if was of me when I was younger. I was smiling and as I looked at myself, I realized how different I looked. I was younger and had this shine in my brown eyes. My hair curled with a light brown shine to it. I had black eyes now that turned red when I smelled blood. My hair was dark and held a different shine.

“Who’s that?” I asked.

 He let a sigh and grabbed my hand.

“Jay,” he said as he entwined our fingers. “I want to tell you about a girl,” he stopped to look at me briefly. “I will admit that you weren’t my first love…”

I sucked in a breath. He was going to tell me about myself…when I was a different person.

“…her name was Jenny,” he continued. “She was very special to me ever since we were little. She was often picked on because she couldn’t shift like the other kids who could. I spent a lot of time with her trying to cheer her up but even behind her smile I could tell she was still sad. As she grew up she just didn’t care anymore. She just smiled and said it made her one of a kind. That’s what made me fall for her. I didn’t care if she was older or couldn’t shift, she was one of a kind,” he said with a small smile.

I couldn’t help but smile as well, “Sounds like you knew her well,” I said.

He nodded, “I did. Me and Keith hung out with her when we were younger but Keith branched off when he got older leaving just us. We both loved her but I guess I always had different feelings for her. Keith always saw her as a little sister but I didn’t. She was the Beta’s daughter so we were kept close,” he said.

I frowned, I didn’t have any memory of who my parents were. I faintly remember James and Keith’s parent being there but never mine.

“Her mother was human and died during child birth. That’s why she couldn’t shift; the human gene was more dominant. We grew even closer when her father died. She was only 6 and me 4. There was an attack, vampires. Her father was killed trying to save Keith. He had been stupid thinking he could run out there at 8 and try to fight. Our parents took Jenny in and treated her as their own. Jenny didn’t remember because she was too young and when she asked about her parents we told her they were away.

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