Chapter Seven

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Anne woke up to something clanking. She looked to her left and saw that the doctor had dropped his stethoscope. "Good morning miss Anne sorry to wake you." The doctor said with a pleasant smile. "Oh that's alright and good morning to you!" She said in a light and airy tone. "But if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?" She asked. "Well it seems that you fell out of a tree Miss Anne." "Oh dear!" she said dramatically. "Anne do you know where your at?" The doctor questioned. "Well..... I'm in a room but I just can't seem to remember where this is. I'm sorry." She said. "Oh no that's quite alright Anne just get some rest." The doctor said in a cheery voice.

The doctor came downstairs to Marilla and Matthew eating breakfast. There was an hollow silence hanging over them. Marilla had made the doctor some breakfast and he ate along with them. "Anne seems to be in good spirits!" The doctor said breaking the silence. "That's good. But are you sure there nothing we can do to try and restore her memory?" Marilla asked hopefully. "Just try to stick to your normal routine and maybe it'll bring something back. But be sure she stays in bed for a few days. Her head took quite a hit." "Ok doctor Williams." Marilla Said.

The doctor left after breakfast and Marilla started cleaning up. There was a knock at the door.

Marilla answered it to see Gilbert, his lucious dark curls looked as messy as ever and he had dark circles under his eyes. "Hello mrs Cuthbert." "Well Hello Gilbert." Marilla Said I'm a surprised tone." "I just wanted to apologize for last night. I was very immature and rude." He said. "Oh well that's quite alright Gilbert. We are trying to get her memory back. So seeing people she goes to school with might be a way for her to remember again. Why don't you come upstairs and we'll try-" "Oh mrs Cuthbert I just remembered I have to go home and make my fathers lunch. Good day." With that Gilbert ran off.

Gilbert was out of breath when he reached his house. He had ran all the way home. He walked inside to see his father reading a book. "Hey dad, I'm sorry I didn't realize it was already lunch time. I'll get it started straight away." "No that's quite alright son. You came back so fast I thought you where visiting Anne." "Oh well I decided against it. I uhh came back home to spend time with you."

There was a long silence after that.

"Gilbert is there something bothering you?"

"No I'm alright dad."

But he wasn't

Hey guys it's literally been forever and I finally come back and give you this piece of crap

Sorry :(

Love you all

-Lauren :)

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