Long way home- Grizz

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You had been up the entire night before packing for this long awaited trip. Since the smell came back your mom was anxious to see you off for some reason you didn't know. You were Harry Bingham's twin sister y/n. While he was the popular big shot in school who favored big expensive cars, you much preferred art, literature, history.

You were woken up to early for your liking by Harry running into your room and jumping boisterously on your bed. "Get up get up get up for fuck sake y/n!!!! SENIOR TRIP STARTS NOWW!!!!" He yelled. "Dear Jesus Christ Harry will you shut the hell up" he never really understood the word peace and quiet sometimes. He just grinned and tugged the blankets off of your body. You groaned and rolled over causing your body to fall with a loud thump. You heard a muffled laugh before storming off to the bathroom to get ready.

As you said your goodbye to your mom you grabbed your duffel bag and got onto the bus. Harry immediately made a beeline for Kelly which made a wave of self consciousness come over you. Everyone seemed to have paired up before arriving, leaving you to sit at the window seat by yourself. Thankfully you were across from Will and Allie who you were quite close with. "Hey y/n I think Grizz needs a bus buddy" Will smirked, nudging your shoulder. He was the only one who knew about your crush on Grizz and god did he take advantage of it. "Hey Grizz! There's a free seat beside y/n over here!" In that moment you had two thoughts in your mind, 1- you were going to fucking kill Will and 2- Grizz has his hair in a man bun holy moly jesus Ariana Grande watch out gurl. Grizz walked over smiling at you, "Is this seat taken?" He grinned, obviously knowing the answer. You blushed and smiled as he threw his camping bag overhead giving you a glimpse of his toned abs, he caught you staring and and bit his lip as he sat down beside you. You took out a book you intended to read on the bus journey and he immediately grabbed it. "No way! I love this book I just finished it last week". You stared at him incredulously, can this man get anymore perfect, you thought in your head. "I'm one chapter away from finishing it, don't spoil!" He smiled at you and asked if you could both read it. This was a dream come true, you looked over to Allie and Will who were silently cheering and giving you the thumbs up. Grizz took the book out of your hands and threw his arm over your shoulder and leaned into you, so you both could read together. Even when you finished reading he still stayed cuddled into you and you both slowly fell asleep.

When you awoke, Grizz was slightly shaking you. "Hey, something happened, we're back home now, the trip is cancelled". You were so confused, and slightly worried but you didn't know why. He grabbed your hand and led you off the bus intertwining your hands with each other.When no one was waiting for you in the car park you took your phone out to ring your mom, no answer. Grizz did the same and got no answer aswell. "Maybe they're asleep?" You mumbled. "I have a bad feeling about this y/n, before we left I saw this message on the wa-" he was quickly interrupted by Cassandra's voice calling for a meeting.

So the gist of that meeting was: everyone's parents are gone, there was a smell it went away and then it came back again. And no one knew how or why this happened.

My grip on Grizz' hands tightened and he looked down at me a smiled rubbing his thumb over my knuckles in a comforting way. "No matter what happens, I'll protect you" he whispered. There was such sincerity in his eyes that I simply just hugged him and said "looks like you're stuck with my annoying ass Grizzly bear".

Of course the moment had to be ruined by none other than my brother screaming "WHAT" from the gazebo.

That was so fun to write oh mah gahd

Keep them requests coming huns


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