
It was a slow day today and the only occupants who were inside the jail cell where two rowdy drunkards who were unable to contain the fight they had in the saloon the previous evening. I sat at the desk with my feet perched on top of it, then I took my hat and slowly lowered it over my eyes intending for me to take a small nap. Nothing could go wrong. Or so I thought!

I was just starting to doze off when I sensed something change in the air, it was like a second sense, it was as if what Aaron said would happen when I became a full-fledged deputy. That you would always know that something was going to happen. I'm not saying I'm psychic or anything, but I had a feeling deep in my gut that something was going to go down today. I didn't want whoever was inside the sheriff's office to see me awake, so while looking like I was still asleep, I slowly lifted the brim of my hat away from my eyes as I studied the inside of my office. I could sense some movement in the back cell, what in the hell was going on? I reached down and opened the bottom drawer and upon loosening the false bottom, I took out the two hidden pistols from within. I opened the barrels to check if the guns were loaded inside, and after I let out a breath of relief, I sighed for it made me relax a little. I eased out of my chair and quietly tiptoed towards the back end of a cell's. I leaned over the side of the wall so that I could spy on the goings-on. When the man turned slightly to the left and I was able to see partial remnants of his face, I gasped. No. It couldn't be. It was impossible. How on Earth did those two escape the prison? I was about to confront them when I felt a cold Barrel of a gun lying across the back of my shoulder, I was about to turn my head to see who it was that was holding the gun when suddenly the world began to spin and I fainted Into Darkness.

"Look who we have here." 

Andrew  Gilly said as he stared down at the unconscious form of the deputy. I Kicked him in the ribs for good measure to see if the man was really unconscious, he and Luke had their fair share of sneaky men, well, sneaky Lawman. He was certainly not going to take any chances, especially with this one. "Put him in the sac boys, we'll take him with us as leverage," I shouted to other men we freed from the jail cells earlier.

I was heading out of the general store when I saw a group of unsavory characters sneak out of the sheriff's office with a tied bundle over one of the third man's shoulder. You could obsoletely tell there was a body with hidden within the bag. I reached down to my hip make sure that my gun was in its holster. Because I remember removing them from my holster last night. I hope I remembered to strap them on again before I left the house this morning. When a reached down and felt the handle of it I breathed in a deep breath. When I saw Angela making her way across the street and heading to the post office, I turned around and headed straight for her. 

"Angela!" I shouted as I ran towards her. 

She turned around quickly and look at with curiosity and confusion. 

"Yes? What's the matter Sherrif?" 

She asked me as she shifted the basket to her other hand. 

"We have a problem. I just saw a group of men exiting the jailhouse a few minutes ago with a tied bag over one of the men's shoulder, I believe that Jonathan has been captured." 

She gasped and held in her gasp of shock. I reassured her that everything will be okay if she trusted me. She nodded her head and asked me what could she do to assist me. Brave girl, I thought as I smiled at her, no wonder she was so brave, she was the daughter of Marshall Giles. 

"As we have no time to assemble a posse, we must go and rescue him ourselves. I assume that your father taught you how to fire a gun?"

 She nodded at me.

 "Yes, in fact, he also taught me how to load and fire a shotgun as well."

 I laughed. 

"That's good to know, however since I don't have a shotgun on me, a pistol will have to do. Now, will you assure me that you won't panic when we accost these men?"

 She grimaced a little after I said those words, 

"of course not, Sherrif. I will remain strong and not waver ever. They have captured my man! No way will allow anyone to take away my future with Jonathan." 

She firmly stated. I nodded at her and handed over my spare gun. After watching her check if the barrel was loaded, I smiled and motioned for her to follow me. But as we were passing the livery to gather up some horses, she ducked into the building and notified Chase on where she was going. I overheard her trying to reassure him that there was no need for her cousin to come with us. Of coarse her pleas fell on deaf ears, for I saw out of the corner of my eye, how Chase was gathering his guns and ammo along with his own horse. It would be wise to have some more help, but I could also see the determination in her eyes. Angela Giles wanted to prove herself, that she wanted to rescue her fiance on her own and not rely on another man besides myself. I had to give in to the proud feeling I had of her, she reminded me so much of my own wife and how Julia would react if this situation was reversed and I was the one that was captured. After all, Julia Weiss was formerly known as Julia Steele, daughter of Tyler and Angel Steel and step-sister of Chase Steele. I have doubted what so ever that my Julia would act the same way. 

I met them at the entrance of the building. 

"Are toy sure you don't want me to come with you for backup Cherub?"

 Chase asked as he used the pet name his own father bestowed upon his mother. Angela sighed with frustration. I could see that she was trying not to change the decision, but in the end, she relented a little. 

"I need to do this Chase! And stop calling me that. But to cease your worries you can notify my father and follow after us. I am sure with your tracking skills, you will be able to track us down. Go, now and tell my father that I love him and where I am going and what I am going to do." 

Chase pulled her into his arms and hugged her. Then he released her and entered the livery building again. I helped her into the saddle and quickly assured her that we will find the tracks of the gang that Kidnapped Jonathan Dodd.

My Angel- Book 3Where stories live. Discover now