Chapter 2: Burning the Bacon

Start from the beginning

“I wouldn’t say tied around his finger…” Emily interrupted, annoyed.

“Sorry, but anyways, when you were announced Ice Queen, I had my first, ehh, you know, in public.” Will gestured towards his “baking utensils” if you will. Emily’s eyes widened, uncomfortable. “But that moment I knew that I liked you a lot, I didn’t know why it took me so long to realize it, but you were the girl of my dreams and I made it my goal to never give up until you like me just a much, if not more, as I like you.”

“Why are you saying all of this now?” Emily played with her fingernails, as if she wasn’t paying attention the entire time. “Like, what’s stopped you from telling me, that was seven months ago.”

“It was Scarlette, it’s always been Scarlette, and I like her too, but nowhere near as much as I like you.” Will smiled. “At first, I was dating her just to get close to you, but then I actually started to like her a little, then you had to come along with your beautiful crown and gorgeous, bulging brown eyes.” Will blushed. Emily smiled at how cute he was. She walked over to him and threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. “You’re so cute.” Will smiled and then hugged Emily’s waist tighter and lifted her up in the air. Emily was leaning in for a kiss, until Will interrupted it. “Uhmm, you’re burning the bacon.”

“Damn it.” Emily cursed. She secured herself on the ground and flipped the bacon. Emily’s mother came rushing down the stairs. She shook her head, disapprovingly, at Emily before laughing at her. She turned to Will and smiled. “Will, will you be staying for breakfast?”

“Sure.” Will shrugged and squeezed Emily’s hand.

— — —

“Thanks for breakfast.” Will wiped his mouth before heading for the door.

“No problem.” Mr. Crow took a sip of his coffee before beginning to follow Will. Emily and her mother followed behind and they all stopped at the door as Will shook everyone’s hand. When he came to Emily, he squeezed her hand tightly and smiled.

“Sir, I was wondering if I could take your daughter out on a date tonight.” Will asked, politely.

“You can have her.” Mr. Crow laughed at his own joke, as Mrs. Crow shook her head at him.

“Dad!” Emily squealed, embarrassed of how stupid her dad was.

“I didn’t mean it like that…” He misinterpreted his own joke, Emily giggled at that.

“Okay seven?” Will directed his beautiful hazel eyes towards Emily.

“Sure.” Emily smiled as she closed the door. She took a deep breath, then her father ruined her moment of recollection.

“I like him.”’ Her father admitted.

“I noticed.” Emily rolled her eyes. “I’m gonna go take a shower.” Emily ran up the stairs.

“Okay, I bought you some new shampoo, it’s supposed to give your hair extra volume.” Her mother explained, thoroughly.

Emily grabbed her towel from the rack in her bathroom, she wrapped herself in the purple, fuzzy, comfortable towel. She looked at her phone and saw that it was 3:07 P.M. She and her family always ate breakfast later in the day on the weekends, but with Will and all the small talk, they hadn’t finished until

2:30. Emily walked into her oversized, yet overflowing, closet and searched for an outfit. After an hour of fashion anxiety, Emily finally decided on a mint-green & turquoise baggy crop tee, denim jeans, and some mint-green and beige sandals. She brushed her hair and straightened it, afterwards, she ran her hands through her thick hair to make sure she didn’t miss any strands of hair. She was a big perfectionist, everything had to be perfect or she’d go crazy. Her wedding will probably make her freak completely. She put on her make-up and earrings. She checked her clock again, 4:45 P.M. She flopped down on her bed and killed time by watching the tenth episode of The Gates on Netflix. She still had time after that, so she continued onto the eleventh episode. She figured she had time to finish one more episode, so she watched the twelfth episode, she was hoping to finish the final episode after her date. At the climax of the episode, she heard a car door shut. She groaned, upset that she didn’t finish the episode, and she knew the suspense would be killing her all night. She looked out the window and saw Will’s bronze Range Rover sitting in her driveway. Emily’s sister, Alux, answered the door. “EMILY, YOUR DATE IS HERE!”

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