Boop (Bakugō)

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By: Birdle

Bakugō Katsuki wasn't one for naps. Despite the chaotically explosive nature of both his quirk and personality, he followed a very strict routine. Naps weren't included.

As such, you were naturally surprised to walk outside one Sunday afternoon to a snoozing bomb stretched out in the shade. With his black outfit blending in with the shadows, which were darkened by the overcast sky, the most noticeable part of him was his hair, and even that could be mistaken as a weird plant. The only reason you saw him was because he occupied the homework spot you two used the most.

You stood with your textbook, notebook, and pencil box tucked under your arm. If Katsuki had gone as far as to leave his room to be alone, he wouldn't like waking up to anyone, even you. Then again, he went to your go-to spot knowing you probably procrastinated again. You sighed, disappointed in yourself for spending five minutes contemplating this issue. Dropping your stuff, you settled down a couple feet away and got to work.

You quickly realized just how difficult it was to work on quadratic equations with a sleeping pile of nitroglycerin within easy poking distance. Try as you might, you couldn't help but glance over at him every couple of seconds.

Katsuki looked far less angry when dead to the world. His furrowed brows lacked the usual wrinkles that surrounded them. He still frowned, but it was more of a pout than his signature "die" expression. His nose was extremely boop-able.

You booped the Katsu-snoot.

Katsuki didn't notice.




He snored slightly.


Katsuki grabbed your hand. The motion was fast enough that it looked like a blur. His eyes opened. "What are you doing?"

". . ."

". . ."

"Nothing. . . . Nothing at all."

So convincing. You tried to tug your hand back. It didn't work.

Katsuki reached up. You closed your eyes.


You blinked. Katsuki smirked at you. "What are you f***ing looking at? I didn't do a d*** thing."

"Whatever you say, Bakagō."


So I don't like swearing. Don't judge me. I'm a sensitive soul.

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