Requesting status / info

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When requests are open, they might only be a certain kind of requests. Read here to figure out if they are open, and if they are, what kind of requests are being accepted, and find out what the tag in each chapter title means!

Requesting status: Closed, not accepting requests.

Requesting type: N/A

Chapter tags (If you see these at the beginning of a chapter name, it means it's a special type of oneshot! If there's not one, it just means it's a random oneshot.)

M! This tag means it's a music request or oneshot, meaning a certain song was in mind when it was being written.

AU! This tag means that the oneshot takes place in a different AU (Alternate universe). Example: Modern AU where quirks don't exist, and it's just a normal day without villains and stuff.

T! These oneshots may have triggering topics. Warnings will be posted at the beginning of the oneshot to show which topics may be triggering to some users.

AN! This means it's an angsty Oneshot, which might include the death(s) of the reader or a major character. This does not include !Depressed/Suicidal Reader oneshots.

FL! This is a fluff chapter with cute scenes between the reader and chosen character.

BNHA / My Hero Academia OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin