A Fucking Muppet With Plastic Surgery

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A/N: hm just a quick note that things in this are supposed to over satirized and such for entertainment purposes lmao, this is all for fun and not supposed to represent real life at all. Just figured I'd clear that up in case that's not really your thing.


jay @headlessdragon

ally campana looks like a fucking muppet with plastic surgery lmao

liked by jacksonmaine and 6,040 others

Ally stared down at her phone, sort of dumbfounded. Surely, this had to be fake. It had to be edited. Sadly, it wasn't any of those things. It was real. She was looking at the actual tweet herself.

"Do you see this shit? Oh my god!" She exclaimed, standing up and shoving her phone into her manager's face.

He took the phone from her, reading the tweet, his eyes slightly squinted. "Yeah? What about it? It's a common thing on the internet, I thought you knew that by now."

"I do. That's not the part I'm concerned about. You know how many times I've been called a puppet? Anyways, look who liked it. Jackson Maine. THE Jackson Maine. It's his real account." Ally seemed to be awfully dismayed about this whole thing, and it was honestly quite funny for her manager. She lied and always said she never cared about what the media and other people in the industry thought about her, but she secretly did. She would never admit it, but it was very obvious.

"Ally. It's probably not even really him. Sure, he probably goes onto the account occasionally but it's also run by his team and such. Just like your social media."

"It's still unprofessional, Rez. Either way. You know what? I don't care. I just wanted to show you. And as always, I'm just being dramatic."

Rez sighed. "I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that you put too much thought into things that don't matter. How about the new record and tour? Have you thought about that yet?"

It was Ally's turn to sigh (and also roll her eyes). "I already told you. I don't know if I want to release a new record and announce a new tour just yet. It hasn't even been a year yet! Weren't you just telling me to just let the hype remain for a bit? Why don't YOU make your mind up?"

"You're Ally Campana. The hype around you in general is going to be real for awhile. But as with any artist, taking too much time in between records makes people less excited. Look at any artist coming back after a hiatus. The lead singles do well, sure, but when the record releases, you have nothing. Well, not nothing, but less than before. And that's not what you want."

"Rez, I know by now how this all works. You don't have to explain it everytime. You keep saying I'm Ally Campana and that I'm loved by everyone, then you say the next record is going to flop. Pick a side." She stood up and he gripped her wrist. She glared back at him with scowl.

"Darling, you're taking this as a personal attack. You're not listening to me. It happens to everyone. I'm your manager. I have to tell you the truth and help you out with what's best for you. Of course people love you. You're just what people like to see. A girl that came from nothing and worked her way to the top, dazzling everyone around her. People love that."

"You know I hate when you say things like that." She did. Yeah, she had no bones about her story. She had grown up in a small and cozy little home with only her father, spending her days playing piano and writing songs in notebooks that her father would have to buy each week. She realized that making music was all she ever wanted to do, but it wasn't all that easy to make it. Especially for someone like her, who knew absolutely nobody and had no reason for anyone to pay attention to her. That people knew of.

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