Chapter 10

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Reichi was in school the following day, as Nanako had said- a simple cold, occasional cough still lingering and for that, he had a simple mask covering the lower half of his face. Eye returned to its usual stoic narrowness at practice, and yeah- plenty of the non-regulars steered clear of the young boy. A few underhanded insults of 'the muteness might be contagious today-' that he ignored in favor of signing to his captain briefly. Told him he'd likely sit the morning practice out as he still had lingering sickness with a slight cough in his system. In response, he got a light chuckle and head pat before being directed to a bench nearby. One earbud hung loosely in his right ear while his eyes scanned the surrounding area before his captain joined him on the bench, making him look over and lower his music volume in case the older boy spoke.

Seiichi sat beside him, legs crossed daintily as they watched the tennis members do their morning exercises. Reichi added a few comments every now and then by sign- but more or less he stayed still and sat patiently. And when practice for the morning ended Reichi stood, heading to the changing rooms with a brief 'thank you' toward his captain. 

Everything seemed normal throughout the day- and even into afternoon practice. Everything seemed fine, except for the fact that Reichi was on his phone more often than not, fingers clutching just slightly too hard around the device to text whoever he was texting for it to be good. His eyes narrowed and his jaw, even under a mask, obviously clenching. Reichi was mad, and the regulars- and non-regulars, noticed during morning practice, and again in the afternoon practice. During lunch, Reichi had barely eaten and was heavily distracted by his phone- which was at a near-constant buzzing. So during their afternoon practice, Seiichi pulled Reichi aside, to the water fountains and finally asked the question nobody else seemed to want to.

"Echizen- is everything okay? You've been acting off all day." He commented as he filled his bottle, looking over at the younger boy- who seemed to be sorting through his emotions or thoughts for a moment, so Seiichi let him. 'My oldest brother is being a nuisance and demanding.' He explained, fingers fumbling over the words as he decided what ones to use, Seiichi took a few short seconds to respond. "How so?" And again, Reichi took a minute, eyebrows pinching together, jaw obviously clenching before he responded. 'R-y-o and I said we would go to the same middle school- I decided to come here instead- R-y-o-g-a, my oldest brother, is annoyed by that I guess. Or just upset. I don't know. He isn't being clear with me and it's frustrating.' Seiichi placed a soothing hand on the boy's head, ruffling through his hair briefly. "I'm sure he'll get over it eventually, Echizen." He said lightly, calming Reichi a bit, enough to get through practice.

Everything seemed just fine after that, but then as everyone left the gate to the school grounds, Reichi was already out there, being the first in and out of the changing rooms usually. Shoulder being held by a taller and older version of Reichi- the older brother, Ryoga, if Seiichi were to guess. The older boy was talking, lowly, to Reichi, but just loud enough that the group could barely hear.

"Your transfer papers were put into Seigaku today, you'll be out of here by the end of the week- so distance yourself more from those boys. You don't need them. Seigaku will be great for you." Reichi stood, stock still under Ryoga's hold, eye blew wide open and mouth- though not visible- agape in shock. Obviously having not expected Ryoga to go through with his words spewed over text. He had thought they were just said in anger- he hoped they had been said in anger. 'You will transfer schools.' 'I'll put the transfer papers in, you'll just have to accept it and get over it.' 'It's too difficult with you being in Kanagawa, you need to stay in Toyko' 'I don't trust you riding the train alone in your... Condition...'  

Why was one of the only good things about to be ripped from his hands just because Ryoga didn't agree with it?

'What do you mean? Gold and I were fine with this- he and I agreed on this! I don't need to transfer R-y-o-g-a.' His sign conveys confusion- and near panic. Gold? Maybe Ryoma- Sign name. Yeah. But transfer? Seiichi's eyes flared and filled with anger, shoving his bag off to Sanada, who was quick to hold onto it, Seiichi started toward the brothers, shoulders pulled back in a tense posture, readying himself to call out to Reichi before Kirihara reached out to stop him. "Captain!" Seiichi had almost gotten within a good nine feet of the brothers before his vision faded- body wobbling then he toppled over. Collapsing with a thud on the ground, Reichi spun around, eyes widening as he started walking toward Seiichi. Getting stopped by Ryoga grabbing his arm tightly to try and pull him in the other direction. Ryoga talking over the panic of the rest of the team. Telling Reichi that it was time to grow up and that he needed to get over himself.

The Silence In The Dark (Prince of Tennis) ||REWRITE||Where stories live. Discover now