When Will entered the living room he came across Gee, who just greeted him with a knowing look on her face and Will could have died there and now. He never was going to be this loud when he was getting off.

Back in his room Will put on his favorite shirt and jeans, the one with the holes right where the knees were and turned on his computer. The video he had planned had to be online in a few hours and he still wasn't finished with cutting it, but according to his watch he still had some time left before he had to get ready for the party.


The music was loud, the room was full of people Will didn't know but here he was, standing in the kitchen watching George how he tried to mix him a drink.

"George... come on just make something quick." Will's urge to drink was massive but it took George like ages to finish. "What are you even trying to mix?"

George gave him a sulky look, the vodka bottle still in his right hand. "Trust me for once."

Will just nodded and let George do what he needed to do. He let his eyes wander around. There really were a lot of people he haven't seen before but he quickly noticed James and Alex standing in one corner of the living room, talking with each other, Fraser stood next to them but didn't seem to be much interested in the conversation. Will wondered if Fraser and James had made up yet and what they even had argued about.

"Here we go." Will looked down to George who just had poured pineapple juice in the two cocktails.

"Now I'm curious what you created." Will took a sip and immediately noticed the big amount of alcohol. He coughed a little surprised. "How much vodka did you put in these?"

But George just laughed and also took a sip. "It's good, isn't it?"

Will just mumbled something but still took another sip. He wanted to get drunk anyway, so why not go for it? While George made his way searching said friend he was invited by, Will decided to keep the other boys some company.

"Hi Will, where have you been?" James greeted him with a big smile.

"George wanted to show me his mixing talents." Will answered without big enthusiasm. Maybe James didn't noticed or he ignored it, but he reached for Will's glass anyway.

"Let me try." He watched while James took a big gulp and grimaced. "Well, this is strong."

Right next to him, Alex giggled at James' funny face. "But it's good I guess." James added and Will just shrugged with his shoulder.

"I let the next one be mixed by Alex." He looked over to him. "You're way better at mixing than George." Will let his hand rest on Alex' shoulder, who gave in on his touch. "I know. George's shit at it. I promise I make you a better one."

Will grinned as a response. "Thanks."

He was happy that his friends came along, without them he would have felt pretty lost at this place. George wasn't even to be seen, god knew where he was.

It didn't take long till Will first felt the alcohol going to his head and it mixed up with the blunt he had smoked at home before coming. He felt how he loosen up, laughing more easily at James bad jokes and it made him happy to be right next to Alex, for once he wasn't feeling uncomfortable in his presence. With a last sip Will finished his cocktail and pressed his hand tighter at Alex shoulder. The shorter one looked up at him with wondering eyes.

"You promised me a drink." Will noted and Alex nodded knowingly. "Sure, show me the kitchen."

Alex really was better at mixing and now Will was standing at the big balcony with a colorful cocktail, his friend was standing right next to him and they were sharing a cigarette. The night was warm and in the distance you could hear the chirping of crickets. Down at the back yard a few people were standing at a pool which glowed in a bright neon blue.

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