The dreams of warriors

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Lisendor Winchester sat in her room crying, the thought of her father's word makes her upset. She wondered why she need to be part of the Royal family when she has no rest.
When she has was a child her mother was murdered by an unknown citizen, she never knew her mother except seeing her in her crafted pictures.
She stood up from her bed and went towards the window which was opened widely. She screened the whole kingdom, she was happy for some reasons and sad about it again; she was happy for the peace in the kingdom and sad because the peace won't last and she needed to join a force.
She revived from her thought and continue screening, she smiled and when she saw a flag, a picture of a boy controlling hundreds of men was drawn on it. It was surrounded with tall walls and located at the far end of the kingdom.
"If only my father allowed me to join" she said to herself

She went back to her bed and walked to the door and twisted it knob, then the door opened. The two male guards standing at the edge of the door bowed their head shortly.
"Good morning my Liege" A guard who was standing at the right hand of the door said
"Morning" She replied with a smile

One of the guards closed her door has she walked outside her castle yanked with the two guards. Each guard standing bows as soon as she reached them. She trekked to the grazing field to pick her horse.Her horse was one of the finest horses in the kingdom, it was named Lane because of it strength and speed. It jostled outside the palace and made it way to the Legend barrack( training ground).
When the trio reached the barrack they commanded their horses to walk slowly, an arched large way made of a strong oak tree was opened by the guards who were standing there, they bowed shortly as the princess and her guards rode in.
As soon as she entered all the trainee bowed their head shortly she told them to continue their training, she got down from her horse and walked towards the commander of the Legend.

Kolk. He is a short man and a bald head, he has a scar on his face and a short well shaved White beards, rumours said he got the scars from a battle but it was all lies.
Kolk bowed shortly as she approached him.
"My Liege what is it that you want" he said as he walked towards the arsenal

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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