Our love will find a way (We will never be apart again)

Start from the beginning

Why is uncle Luke swapping spit! With her? "Dakota" J.T and Maddison 6 year old daughter, asked. The adults started laughing at that. Skyler pulled back blushing like crazy! Then she busted out in joyful happiness, as Luke wiggled his eyebrows at her. He replied, because uncle Luke likes her spit. Ewwww! Grows!! Some of the younger kids, gaged out. Everyone could barely contain there laughter.

Skyler giggle whispering I like swapping spit with you to. She pecked him on the lips, I love you Luke! She chuckled out. So much! Luke pulled her close to him, in his his arms he was holding the most precious thing in the world to him. Just then her arms slid tighter around his neck to hold him closer to her. Luke closed his eyes for a minute in absolute contentment. Then his lips found the sensitive skin under her right ear.

He lade a soft kiss there whispering I love you to baby. And just so you know. I never stopped loving you Skyler, not even for a second. Skyler's heart thumped hard! In her chest. Tears welled up in her eyes, as Luke looked deep into hers. The truth shining back at her, right there in the depths of his baby blue eyes for her, and the hole world to see. Undeniable happiness.

So dad? Mom told us her side of the story on how you guys met. Would you tell us yours? Brody asked. Everyone turned to Luke with smiles on there faces. Luke chuckled at the looks on his boys faces. All The adults, were looking at him with laughter shinning in there eyes. Everybody was Ready for a good story. And His and Skyler's story was a favorite of there. But it had been left untold, for meany years now for overuse reasons. But now! Luke couldn't wait to tell it!

There was a huge grin on his face, he slapped his hands together in over do anticipation. Ok! Boys! He smile, you want to know my side! Of how I met your mom? Well Take a seat this is going to take awhile. Everyone laughed, He looked at J.T nodding his head, and smiled big. Ok if I'm going to tell this, I'm going to do this right. Get over here J.T. Smiled getting up and walking over to the same spot 15 years ago. They took there places beside the porch Railing, were it all started. J.T chuckled knowing exactly what Luke was up to.

J.T rubbed his hands together, getting into his roll in this story. Skyler smiled. Taking a Seat by Maddison. This was her first time in hearing his side of the story to. Maddison slid her arms around her, snuggling close with a knowing smile on her face. Luke took his place, I was standing right here in this very spot, the first time I saw your mom. Here I am eating my Veggie burger, minding my on business, right? The boys nodded with big smiles, watching there dad play this roll out, in animated fashion.

Ok! So here I am! I've just sworn off all women at this time, because just not quit a month, prior to this moment. I had broke it off with this girl I had been seeing, because she had cheated on me. So here I am. Luke was holding his hands up, like he had his burger in his hands. I'm half way threw it! My mouth is full! Then I lifted my head up and looked over because, I had caught this movement coming up the trail, right down there, he pointed. The boys got up, walking over to him, to see were he was pointing at. There smiles were identical, as they nodded, there heads. Then they went back over and set down.

Ok he continued. The moment your mom come into view. My heart! Almost stopped. Then it started up a fearsome, beating in my chest! It latterly tried to jump out of my chest! Everyone laughed at that. I was so shocked! I started choking on my burger. More laughter rang out from the group. Because J.T here had saw what I had been looking at, and informed me that, that was your mom. That was what made me start to choke.

J.T smiled, as he picked up from there. Yep! You see guys, sense your dad here, he thumb at Luke, with a roll of his eyes. He went on. He forgot to start at the beginning of the story. You see, when your cousin Maddison here, informed me that your mom was coming along for the Summer. I coned your old man here, into taking her under his wing, and showing her a good time. He wasn't to happy about it at first, because he hadn't seen her yet.

Our love will find a way (Luke & Skyler) Completed....Where stories live. Discover now