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Consider this one-shot as a comedy (because I failed to make it look serious...)

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters!


Losing his balance, Len once again dropped the huge boxes he was holding on the ground clumsily. He knew he wasn't tall enough to hold all 3 big size paper boxes at once; yet he didn't want to go back and forth from rooms to rooms either, so thus the consequences.

"Agh! Why do I have to carry all packages when they all belong to Rin?!" Len groaned with complains as he bent down to position the boxes on top of one and other and attempt to carry them again.

"... Do you need some help?"

A familiar voice came from behind and Len blushed hard before he turned around to face the voice owner – It was his crush Fukase!

"A-Ah I..." Len swallowed before he spoke again. "I'm fine... R-Rin ordered a lot of stuff online but somehow she mistyped the delivery address as my room number instead of hers... so... I have to carry her stuff back to her room... haha..."

Fukase blinked and observed the boxes once more before looking back at Len. "THAT was a lot of stuff though."

Len let out a few chuckles. "Yeah... But they ain't heavy! So you don't have to worry..."

"But they are really tall boxes."

"I-I can handle them, really!" The blonde quickly lifted up the boxes and prepare to go; he always fails to act normal around Fukase. "You got things to do, right? Don't bother helping me..."

Before Len started walking, Fukase step forward and took two of the paper boxes and effortlessly carry them with his pale, strong arms.

"I finished my job for the day already, plus I want to help." The redhead gently smiled and began walking to Rin's room direction along the hallway; it would take a few minutes to get there despite the residence was big.

"T-thank you..."

Len quietly followed behind Fukase with rapid heart beating going on inside him. He wasn't sure when did he start crushing on Fukase, but after his friend Piko introduced the red-haired boy to him, his liking to him increases day by day.

And the more Len likes Fukase, the more he couldn't stand being alone with him because he was always nervous and unsure.

Fukase watched as Len was acting all unnatural around him; he frowned as the thought of Len dislike him started growing in his mind. He never wanted Len to hate him, besides he wasn't sure what had he done wrong to make the small blonde hate him.

"You know..." Fukase decided to speak up. "I kinda missed the old days."

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