Chapter 7

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(M/H/C): Moms hair color
(M/H/L):Moms hair length
(M/E/C): Moms eye color
I walked through a house, as I walked through the house, I saw someone whom I have missed for so long, my mom. Her (M/H/L) (M/H/C) lay loose, her (M/E/C) shone brightly. "Mom?" I said shocked to see her, she didn't hear me, even though she turned to face me. Her form slowly turned into Luna's. I was very confused. The kitchen we where standing in was now on fire, towns people where yelling outside, all of a suddenly I was in a forest, standing in front of an oak tree, the same oak tree that me and my parents would sit under, Dad would climb the tree with me, and Mom would read and tell me tails of dragons, but this was not the sight I was greeted with, instead of the sunset that would over look the horizon, dark storm clouds covered the sky, the oak tree had lost it's healthy looking leaves and bark, and traded it for a dead grey hollow tree, but the thing that made my heart stop was the bodies hanging in the tree, I could tell who they where, there where five, My parents, Tom, Nathan, and Jason. I looked at the base of the tree where my Mom would sit when my Dad and I were climbing. What I saw next made the color from my (S/C) go pale. Luna lay there, her light tanned skin a ghost pale, her sliver blue eyes where a white greyish color, there was a huge cut on her side, a puddle of blood covered the floor around her. Something changed, like I blinked, and there was a White Wolf, it had blood dripping from it's jaw, I knew on instinct that it was Luna's blood. I tried to turn into my wolf form, but instead of me changing, the White Wolf did, it changed into me, my wolf form, I tried to back way but my body wouldn't move, it was like I was glued to the floor, my wolf form kept moving towards me, then there was chanting the same thing in the same dark voice over and over "Your Falt! Your Falt Their Dead!" Tears fell down my face, I tired to cry out for it to stop, but I couldn't speak, my mind was screaming for it to stop. Then my wolf form lunged forward at me.
"STOP!" I yelled sitting up, my breathing was fast, I took in my surroundings, I noticed that I was in a cave, I saw everyone looking at me, Tom was sitting with Nathan by a fire, Luna was sitting on my right, Jason on my left. I was terrified, I hadn't realized that I was out of the nightmare, it only clicked when Jason put his hand on my cheek and rubbed my stray tears with his thumb. He turned my face to look at him. "Hey, it was just a dream, nothing's gonna hurt you." He said soothingly. "J...J...Jas...son?" I said stuttering from fear. "Sshhh, I'm here." He whispered.

Jason POV
She was so scared, I've never seen someone that scared. (Y/N) started shaking, tears ran down her face faster and harder, I instinctively pulled her into a hug, she wrapped her arms around me, she held me like if she let go I would disappear. Still holding her I moved to cross my legs under me, I pulled her into my lap. I rocked back and forth gently. "Shhh, it's ok, your ok, I got you." I whispered to her. I looked over to everyone, Tom looked at her with empathy, Luna looked like she was about to cry too. Are...T...Tom....a..and...Luna....o..ok?" (Y/N) chocked out. "Their fine, their save." I said. "A...And....Nathan?" She asked again. I looked over to Nathan, whom looked shocked that she even cared. "He's save too." I said. After a while she calmed down. The snowstorm had ended sometime while we where all asleep, Nathan was outside looking for the right direction, Luna and Tom where talking amongst themselves, while I got a few more minutes of sleep.

I walked over to Nathan, seen as Jason was asleep, and I wasn't quite comfortable to talk to Luna and Tom by myself just yet. I found Nathan just outside the mouth of the cave, he turned to see who was coming, "Hey." I said walking up to him, "Hey." He answered back. There was a short silence between us, Nathan was the first to break it.

Nathan POV
'I gotta say something to her....but what? Argh I've never been good with this stuff....Argh, here goes nothing.' "Look, (Y/N), I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you and that I insulted you, I'm sorry about putting all our lives in dancer, You, Tom, and Luna could've died, and I'm sorry that you almost lost your life to protect them, I shouldn't have let my pride get in the way of everyone's safety, I feel terrible knowing that I could've gotten us kill, when you where willing to risk your life for us. That being said I don't expect you to forgive me."

I was touched by Nathan's apology, but at the same time I felt kind of guilty, if I hadn't put pressure on him, he wouldn't have had to make that choice. "Well, if it means anything, I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have put that kind of pressure on you, I shouldn't have made it look like you needed to prove yourself to everyone."

Third POV
(Y/N) looked off into the distance. Not noticing a pair of golden irises starring at her in a quizzical manner, Nathan himself was trying to figure out why she had felt the need to apologize, he would've chosen the same path if she hadn't said anything, a fact the girl in front of him was oblivious too. (Y/N) started to giggle, if Nathan wasn't confused before he was now, (Y/N) turned around to see Nathan raise a brow at her. "What?" He asked, though it sounded more like a demand. "Nothing I just realized that you and I have a lot in common." She giggle at the boy, "How?" He asked intrigued yet slightly concerned at the same time, "We both acted in the heat of the moment." Nathan had to admit that was true. "Yeah, we also want to protect others." He noted. "Hey um Nathan?" (Y/N) asked fully turning to face him, Nathan just hummed in response, "Do you think maybe we could start over, as friends?" She asked extending a hand towards him, Nathan smirked, "Why not." He said shaking her hand.
As the young travelers prepared for their departure, they were unaware of the ever growing threat was getting closer.

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