"Don't miss me to much baby," I throw him the finger only for him to blow me a kiss.

"7 Dani !" He yells getting into his car.

I walk back into the house only to find Espi and Zion tripping over their own feet trying to get away from the window quickly.

"Heyyy so he said 7 right ?" Espi says smiling at me.

"You guys were listening weren't you ?" They look at each other and nod their heads at me. "I'll take that as a yes now come on let's go get you ready it's already 4 !" Espi tells me grabbing my hand and running up the stairs to her and Zions room.

"Hurry up and take a quick shower !" I nod my head and take a quick shower washing my body for the 2nd time today.

I hop out drying myself and keeping the towel tied around my body walking out the restroom door to find espi spreading out a cute little black shoulder-less dress.

"I'll keep the heels downstairs don't need you tripping over your feet going downstairs," she says laughing. "Yeah whatever," I say pushing her out.

I drop the towel sliding the dress on quickly walking over to the mirror hung up on their door I look at my body I won't lie I got all the curves a man would drool for.

I walk out the room going downstairs to find espi and Zion cuddled up on the couch "oh my god you look sexy !"

"Damn you look good kid," espi slaps Zion on the shoulder and I laugh at them. "He's not lying you do look good," she says handing me the heels.

I slip them on and stand up "short ass I'm still taller than you without heels," I push her out of the way and sit down on the couch across from them.

"He should be here any moment now," espi says clapping her hands together.

Our heads turn quickly when we hear a knock on the door "he's here ! Babe go be a father !"

Zion gets up from his seat me following behind him but he runs towards the door "I want her home by 7:01 got it ?"

I push him out of the way "it's already 7:01 idiot," I say laughing at him "okay bye bye now," he says pulling me back in and closing the door only to hear a knock again.

"Go sit with your girlfriend !" I tell him pushing him away I open the door again to see Slash waiting for me "hey wait woah damn you look good," he says taking my hand and kissing it.

"Don't look so bad yourself pig," I say snatching my hand back "is someone still grumpy with me," he ask running towards the passengers side of the car and opening it for me.

"I could never," I say closing the door and he runs over to his side "good," he tells me leaning over and kissing my cheek "cause I was hoping for a kiss at the end of the night," he smirks starting the car and taking off.

We pull up to patina "slash no it's to expensive I can't afford this," I tell him sadly. "Who said you were paying come on actually wait !"

He runs over to my side again opening the door for me and taking my hand in his.

We walk in and slash gives the lady his name and she leads us to our table "your waiter will be right with you," she tells us smiling and walking away.

A tall blonde with big boobs and lots of make up walks over to our table "hello I'm Stephanie what can I get y'all to drink ?"

"Uh I'll have a lemonade," she lifts up her finger shushing me "what would you like baby ?" She ask drooling over slash.

"A coke is cool with me," he says scooting farther into his booth. "And you said a lemonade right ?" She says rolling her eyes.

I nod my head and she walks away "stupid bitch," I mutter under my breath," slash smirks at me "such language babygirl," I throw him the finger and he just laughs taking my hand and kissing it.

"Here you go," she says leaning over to show her chest more "Yeah and here's your drink," slamming down my drink I almost throw it at her when she lets go.

"Okay so what can I get you guys ?" She ask eye fucking slash basically.

I put down my menu and smile at her "a new fucking waiter that's what you can get us."

She walks away angry and I lift my menu back up only for it to be snatched from me "I never took you for the jealous type Dani," Slash says eyeing the menu.

"I'm not she was just being rude," I tell him drinking my lemonade. "Yeah okay."

"Hello I'm Roland and I'm your new waiter what can I get you guys to eat ?"

I turn to look at him and my eyes almost popped out of my head damn he's fine "a new waiter," slash grumbles.

"Uh I'll take the 42 day dry aged ribeye," I say smiling and handing him the menu "and for you sir ?"

"The same," Slash says throwing the menu at him.

In no time our food is served and we eat in silence "so hows your grandma ?"

"She passed away a year after you left," I tell him sadly. "I'm so sorry Dani."

"Don't worry about it she's not in pain anymore," I smile at him "she's better up there."

"How's your mom ?" He looks down at his food "she's good always asking if I talked to you or heard from you."

"I miss her," I smile.
"Yeah she misses you too," he says taking my hand "you ready ?" I nod my head and he throws some money on the table.

We walk out and get into his car speeding off we make it to my house quickly.

"Well this is goodbye again Slash," I tell him kissing his cheek and getting out walking towards the house.

I make it up the steps feeling arms wrap around my waist and pick me up putting me against the door I feel his lips against mine.

He pulls away slowly smiling at me "it isn't goodbye Dani I know where you live and I don't live to far from here," he says smirking.

"Tour is over in a week prepare yourself for more dates," he says kissing me one last time before leaving.

I watch him drive off and laugh to myself oh how I've missed my Slash.

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