So, the team used to be Aaron, Frank, Mike, Jay, Ted, Lucas, Sam, Josh, Tyler and Don. And also Daniel, our last Captain. Out of them, of course, Frank was my best friend, but I got close to all of them. When the year started, I gave the idea of making a road trip all the way to California, all of us. Of course the idea was kinda ruined, but I was glad that at least Josh, Tyler and Don made it. They were the ones most excited about it, anyways.

Standing in a corner, I saw Aaron. He watched us curiously, but I just pretended not to notice him anyways. And David... Well, talking to these guys and joking together made me remember the old times, so I decided to leave the fight behind, at least for the afternoon.

"We should be thanking you for bringing him here, do you think we would mind?!" Jay laughed.

"You'll face the consequences, tho. It's like giving candy to a child. We're gonna interview you two." Mike chuckled. "And I want pictures. With both." He raised an eyebrow at me.

"C'mon, dumbass, you already got my pretty face in your year book." I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck it, Kat." Jay shook his head, before stopping and looking at David. "Hm, sorry, coach..." David didn't really like us swearing, so, yeah, old thing.

"We're not in classes anymore, son." David laughed.

"Am I allowed to?" I asked.

"No." He narrowed his eyes, so I pouted. "Fine, just for today."

"Yes!" I chuckled.

"So, c'mon, let's sit down, eat all this junk food we got, and talk WWE!" Lucas laughed, grabbing my hand and making me sit down, while I laughed.

"I bet you got a lot to tell us about these two weeks, missy." Sam chuckled.

"You bet I do!" I winked.

I told them a bit about everything that happened since David called me to his office that day, because, well, I didn't even had a chance to say goodbye to them, and they only found out later because Aaron told them. We had this little group on imessenger with all of us, and they complained a bit that I barely ever talked to them in there, but I explained that, with the crazy schedule I was having, I barely even had time to pick up my phone, which Jon told was true. I told how I had an argument with Hunter the first day, then he just grabbed me to Raw and introduced me to everyone and next I was getting on stage with The Shield (you've never will see four guys fangirl as much as they did at this part, because, yeah, they saw me), and then how Vince decided to hire me.

"We fucking missed you, y'know." Lucas smiled. "It's true that it's all over, but sometimes we meet in the gym to train a bit."

"Of course it isn't the same when our little girl isn't yelling at us to man up." Ted chuckled.

"Well, it's not my fault if I'm manlier than all of you." I joked, shrugging.

"Oh, c'mon." Mike rolled his eyes. "Anyways, how did you two... Y'know..."

"Met?" Jon completed, so he nodded yes. "Hunter kinda needed someone to show her around." He shrugged. "I don't like being a bodyguard, but when it's a pretty girl, I wasn't gonna be a stupid and say no, you know what I mean?" He winked, so the guys chuckled.

"So, you two are together?"

"No." Jon chuckled. "We're just friends. I have the feeling Randy's gonna do that before I do." He joked.

"Jerk." I rolled my eyes, pushing him slightly.

"C'mon, I'm joking, cupcake." He chuckled.

"You're really moving to Florida?" Sam asked.

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