Chapter Thirteen

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 On Christmas Eve, Hubert wasn't particularly excited about the Yule Ball. Cho and her friends were obviously excited, and the other Beauxbatons students seemed to consider it the first genuinely exciting thing to happen at Hogwarts since their arrival-after the Triwizard Tournament, of course. It was nice they were hosting a Christmas party for everyone, but Hubert wasn't one for big parties. Still, Madame Maxime was expecting all of her students to show up unless they were seriously ill, and Hubert knew none of them would be able to fake an illness in front of Madame Maxime. 

 Gabrielle, Hubert's little sister, had gone back to France for Christmas to be with their parents. He knew it would be a small comfort to Monsieur and Madame Delacour to have Gabrielle with them for Christmas and to know that at least one of their children were safe at home with them. Besides, if anything bad did happen to Fleur during the Tournament, Hubert didn't want their little sister to have to witness it. 


 Hubert awoke on Christmas morning by Raoul gently shaking him. "Come on, Hubert," he whispered. "It's Christmas. Nobody sleeps late on Christmas." 

 Hubert opened his eyes and smiled. "How could anyone sleep late on Christmas?" He sat up. "All right, you're bursting with excitement. This can't be about the party tonight." 

 "What? No, of course not. I got you something." Raoul handed him a large book. "Go on." 

 "Is it a photo album?" Hubert asked, taking it in his hands. 

 "Yeah. Remember when you said we ought to make a photo album, and use as a sort of chronicle?"

 Hubert nodded. "I do." 

 Hubert opened the photo album to the first page. So far, there were only two photographs: there was one of Hubert and Raoul together on the grounds of the Beauxbatons Academy, and the other was of them and Hubert's sisters together outside the Delacours' home. 

 "I remember taking both of these," he said. "That was from our last day of school last year, and the other is from over the summer. Thank you, Raoul. Now, wait there." Hubert got up and made for his suitcase, which was sitting in a corner. "I got these before we left. It's small, but I thought it might be good enough." 

 Hubert had bought a book of art paper, about the size of ordinary paper, and a small set of paints. 

 "Hubert." Raoul took the gifts and stared down at them. "These are prefect. I sort of took a guess with what to give you, but you knew exactly what I would want." 

 They were interrupted by Fleur calling, "Hubert, Raoul! We're all going to the Great Hall for breakfast! Are you coming?" 

 "Really? No one ever wants to go with us," said Raoul. 

 "But it's Christmas," Hubert pointed out. "It's a special occasion. Even they can appreciate that." 

 The Great Hall quickly filled up with students from all three schools. Hubert and Raoul sat at their usual place at the Ravenclaw table with Cho and her friends, with Fleur joining them this time. They ate and talked a little about the upcoming Yule Ball. 

 "So, neither of you have dates?" Cho asked. "At all?" 

 "No. I doubt we'll be doing any dancing, either," Hubert answered. "We're sort of just going because everyone else is, and we don't have any excuse to stay behind. Besides, you're not going to have time to worry about us; you will have a grand time with Cedric Diggory." 

 Cho smiled and stared down at her plate. "Yes, he is great. He...wasn't the only person who asked me, but I knew he was the one I wanted to go with." 

 "Can you imagine getting multiple invitations?" Raoul asked Hubert. "Did anyone ask you besides me?" 

 "I got the strangest invitation to the ball not so long ago," said Fleur. "I was just in the entrance hall, talking with Cedric Diggory-oh, he's very kind, and we were discussing what the other two tasks might be-when this Gryffindor boy appears and asks me-well, he yelled 'do you want to go to the ball with me'. And then he gave this strange look, and ran off. I believe he is friends with Harry Potter, but I don't know his name." 

 Hubert and Raoul looked at each other. Fleur had already mentioned something about it, but this was the first time they had heard the entire story. Cho looked as if she knew who the boy was, but didn't say anything. 

 Hubert looked over to the Slytherin table, and saw Draco Malfoy. He always seemed to sit where they would be able to make eye contact. When their eyes did meet, Draco gave him a quick nod. Hubert smiled and nodded back, and he wondered if they would be seeing each other at the Yule Ball. 

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