Buck's overlords meet

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Cora Daniels is a young police officer partner with Sergeant Athena Grant. She is learning a lot from her on calmly handling situations. On her one month anniversary Athena said that she would take her to the place with the best food in L.A.

Cora  was confused by the fact that Athena took her to a firehouse. Not long after she stood outside she went in to speak to Athena. She overheard Athena call the fire Captain 'honey'. Bit by bit she began to see who Athena Grant is.

As she got ready to talk to Athena a very handsome firefighter came to greet them.

"Hi, I'm Eddie." He said offering her a handshake.

"I'm Cora, nice to meet you Eddie. Sarge we need to go if you want to get that best food in L.A  you talked about."

Eddie was laughing as Athena told her Bobby's cooking is the best in L.A. Eddie agreed with her saying that it was even better that his Abuela's, but we cannot tell her he said that.

"Diaz, I promise you I won't tell her you said that." Athena said.

" Wait you're Eddie Diaz? You don't have a son by the name of Christopher by any chance?"

"I do." He said giving her the ' I don't trust you' look. Cora just asked to if they could talk outside.


"What I'm going to tell you, you cannot tell ANYONE about this."

"I promise."

"My brother Ev wrote me letters back when I was in the army and academy. He wrote about you and Christopher a lot." She smiled as she thought about her brother.

"I just don't get why you hide that you are related to them."

"Look, my partner died when I was young and the moment the Buckley's took me in Ev became overprotective. I was just hoping to make some friends before he could scare them off." Eddie gave her a look of sympathy.

The talked about there time in the army. How their time in the academy was. Cora told him about the times Buck thought she was a Zombie and a mummy. He was laughing about how his best friend reacted. They kept on talking till Bobby said that the food was done.

As they walked in Cora spotted Buck. She whispered to Eddie that he should watch this.

"Hellooooo, Ev!" Cora called out.

"Hell noooo!" Buck replied automatically, but as he saw her he was yelling again. "Maddie, come quick I think I'm loosing my mind! Maddie!" He yelled at his sister that was visiting her boyfriend on her day off.

As Maddie arrived Buck started talking again.

"Maddie, you see her right?" He asked as Eddie was trying not to laugh at him.

"Buck, I see Hen, Athena and... Cora? Welcome home, but do you have to this to Buck every time?"

"Yes! It's funny, but at least this time he didn't call me a monster." Maddie was shaking her head muttering about children causing Eddie to start laughing as they sat down to eat.

Cora sat down between Eddie and Buck. Everyone looked at her as Chimney asked if she and Buck was dating. Cora and Buck pulled faces of disgust as Maddie and Eddie laughed.

"No, I'm Cora and I'm this idiot's sister." She said poking Buck.

"Hey! I may have done some stupid things, but I'm not an idiot."

"If you say so Buck, if you say so." Eddie said.

"I'm keeping you Diaz." Cora said fist bumping a blushing Eddie.

"Captain Wolf and Army medic Diaz as friends. Oh goodbye world my overlords have met." Buck cried out.

"And he say he is not an idiot." Hen said shaking her head as the rest laughed.

After they all calmed down the chatter turned into small talk like who the others are with. Cora was thanking Bobby for the wonderful food when Chimney asked buck about calling his sister a monster.

"See Chim, she once showed up on our doorstep looking like a zombie because she was awake for 36 hours traveling to make it home in time for Christmas. Then two years after that she came home injured and rapped up like a mummy. Luckily that time it was Halloween and everyone thought she had dressed up. Since then I have been trying to find her inner monster, but I think she is a werewolf. All calm and hidden until you mess with her pack then she turn deadly." Buck said while Cora gave him a smile.

"Yeah she looks like a wolf." Eddie said causing her to blush.

"Come Wolf, we need to go. Bye guys." Athena said.

Cora and Hen swapped numbers with the promise of a girl's night out. She hugged Buck and Maddie, shook hands with Bobby and Chimney and hugged Eddie slipping her number into his pocked as he did the same.

They have all just started working again when the call came in.

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