Alive Awake

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Third person's p.o.v

Ash's eyes flick open . He comes back to his senses finding himself no longer in the library where he  was supposed to die.

 He comes back to his senses finding himself no longer in the library where he  was supposed to die

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Ash: [White curtains?...White bed?.......Saline?.......] What am I doing in a hospital?! *suddenly turns his face* B-Blanca?...!


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Ash: What am I doing here? *puts hand over his forehead* Don't tell me... did you-did you save me back mthere...? I just thought I would've vers his eyes with his palm* Damn it, each and every old fart I come across always gets in my way....and're worse than Golzine

Blanca: *sigh* Blame me, lash out at me all you want....but think of it , think of how the person you've treasured the most would wallow in sorrow and be hurt for the rest of his life.........its time that you get back to your guts...once again.

Ash: *looks down wryly*

Blanca: *holding Ash's shoulder; supportively* die ,this isn't the right've got a big life ahead of you, see you later *walks to the door*

Ash: Blanca......

Blanca: He's coming to see you right bid you goodbye

Ash: *surprised* What...? Eiji's leaving?

Blanca: Tomorrow is his flight by 8:30 morning

Blanca throws a small silver article toward Ash. The lynx gathers back the alertness of his mind within seconds

Ash: *catches it* A ring? *smirk* what do you mean by this Blanca?

Blanca: * putting hands in his pockets; Shrugs his shoulders* you're smart enough to figure out that

Blanca finally leaves.

Ash: [It's platinum....] *turns around* something's written here...*reads* "With love, Eiji" *chuckle* That's the cheesiest thing you've ever done Blanca

*reads* "With love, Eiji" *chuckle* That's the cheesiest thing you've ever done Blanca

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