~The Story~

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Bancer = Becca X Cancer

Becca is my sister. Bancer is my OTP.

This was originally made for fun, then for ig. See the AN at the end once you're done please <3


"Maybe just a trim, like a few inches off the ends. I want something... snazzy." She requested, taking a seat at the mint colored hair salon chair.

"I'm sure you'll look beautiful in any hairstyle, snip snip." Cancer assured her, turning her to see herself in the mirror mounted on the wall. Cancer was a celestial spirit version of a crab, summoned long ago by a girl named Lucy. However, when Lucy retired from magic, she had ended their contract, setting him free to roam the real world and not just the spirit one. He was still great friends with Lucy, and when Lucy had recommended her friend Becca to Cancer's world-famous hair salon, she showed up to give it a shot.

"Thanks." Becca said, a blush creeping up to her cheeks. Cancer pretended not to notice and went to work on her chocolate brown hair. His rust-colored dredlocks had been pulled up in his usual style of two high ponytails, shaped into little curves, and his chin had a scruff to it from not having shaved in a few days. His tan hands had scissors present most times, and he loved to cut away and sculpt hair. Some say he should've tried hedge sculpting, but he only liked hair.

In a matter of minute, Becca's hair was sparkling and gleaming against the light, now styled into a long bob that just reached her shoulders. Her oval-framed glasses highlighted her terra-cotta colored eyes, and her beauty shone throughout the room. Cancer busied himself with his tools, hiding the blush on his face.

"Cancer, this is amazing." She whispered in wonder, staring at her reflection. She tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear, and broke her gaze from her new style. "No wonder this place is world famous. You're... just, thank you." She turned to him, and he had the courage to look up and hold her gaze, praying that his face wouldn't turn red.

"Anytime, snip snip." He gave her a heartfelt smile, handing her a business card. "Um, this might be a little unprofessional, but um..." He cleared his throat, fixing his gaze at his feet. "Would you like to join me for dinner tonight? Snip Snip ebi."

"Of course!" She exclaimed, before mentally scolding herself. Don't come off too excited, Becca! She hoped she hadn't made Cancer feel any less attracted to her.

She looked around for a few seconds, before picking up a nearby pen and scribbling her number onto the back of the white card. She held it out to him and he took it, setting his scissors down before doing so.

"Pick me up at 7?" She asked a flustered Cancer, who nodded in response.

"Snip snip, ebi!" He choked out as she headed out the door of his salon, the bell ringing signaling that she had left.

He hoped he wouldn't screw up tonight, and having no more reservations for the day, closed his shop and went to find the perfect outfit for the girl he wanted to impress.


Becca glanced at her self in the mirror, performing one last quick check before running to the door and to a now waiting Cancer. She had on a black pair of jeans and a coral colored short sleeved blouse, with ballet flats to match. It was a pretty fancy outfit for her, considering she hated wearing skirts and dresses. She even went as far as to put on some light makeup, and surprisingly did well when applying her mascara and limited eye shadow, considering she had a bad habit of not keeping both lids even and light. She grabbed her black purse and swung it onto her shoulder, quickly applying some pastel pink lip gloss and then opening the door to her small apartment.

A Snip Of My Heart- A Bancer FanFiction [Fairy Tail]Where stories live. Discover now