Waiting for the sun

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I'm not going anywhere
And I won't ever leave
I won't ever give up
Because, in us, I will always believe
So you can doubt it
And you can try to push me away
You can tell me to fuck off
But I will forever stay
Because sunshine is never permanent
So I will be here through the rain
I'll swim with you if it floods
You can call me insane
But I'll shield you from the lightening
I'l hold on to you during the storm
And when you can't bear the ruthless cold
My arms will remind you of the warmth
It is inevitable that there will be destruction
Because the weather will create incongruous debris
But I'd rather us rebuild the fallen together
Than have perfection without you and me
Darling, seasons change
But through each and every one
We'll face the sky hand in hand
Together waiting for the sun

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