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Some Guy Heard the Britney Album Playing and say an abandoned car in the road while it was raining. He saw Ms. Horney !! He picked her up using a branch because she was smelly. He took Her To the trunk of his car and drove straight to the hospital. He did not do so before taking the britney album. He was actually going to appreciate it. It was a dark rainy night and he was driving someone to the hospital in his trunk. This was not his Friday night plan. The way to the hospital was very weird. Twists, and turns, and many bumps. Ms. Horney groaned in the trunk. she was basically drowning with the rainwater because the truck had a whole in it. It was an old rusty car anyway. She woke up and tried to get out. On the last bump, ms horney fell out the truck and was left on the road. Unfortunately she died and her britney album was stolen. 😪😪😪

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